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WHAT IF: Men Were No Longer Necessary for Fertilization?

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Every Wednesday, we’re asking a what-if question – how would our world be different if something were changed? Today’s question is from QSFer Scott: What if science advanced to the point where human sperm was no longer needed for fertilization? How would it change our world/society? Share your serious scientific analyses, your off-color jokes, and random thoughts on the topic on our FB and MeWe Groups: FB: MeWe:

Female Python Gives Birth Without Male Contact in At Least 15 Years

Python - Pixabay

Snake #361003 at the Saint Louis Zoo has laid a clutch of eggs despite not being near a male snake in decades. The ball python, at least 62-years-old, surely deserves a name after pulling off the remarkable feat. The snake has been at the zoo since 1961 and hasn’t even seen a male snake in more than 15 years. “We’re saying 15 plus years, but I mean, it’s probably easily closer to 30 years since she’s been physically with a male,” Mark Wanner, the Zoological Manager of Herpetology told CNN. Full Story at LGBTQ Nation