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FOR WRITERS: ARCs and Street Teams

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jana Denardo: I’ve been seeing a rise in ‘street teams’ or ‘ARC teams’ where arcs are given out so there will be reviews on/around release day. Has anyone tried this? has it improved sales? How have you chosen your team? (I’ve seen requests go out in vast email lists which seems like an unlikely way to do it). Join the chat

Asta’s Annotations: The Trickster God as Queer Icon

Trickster gods occur in many cultures and often demonstrate a certain gender and/or sexual fluidity. For today’s post I will concentrate on one: Norse trickster Loki.

Loki practices forms of magic which, in Norse culture, mark him as effeminate. He’s also a gender-bending shapeshifter, as demonstrated in the following tale….

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FOR READERS AND WRITERS: A Very Special Valentine’s Day

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In honor of the holiday, I thought it would be fun to share your favorite spec fic Valentine’s Day stories. This chat is for both readers and writers. Here are the parameters: Readers: What are some of your favorite Valentine’s Day themed stories that are also speculative fiction? Writers: Have you written any spec fic V-Day themed stories? And if not, what might you write about, if given the chance?

FOR WRITERS: Alphas, Masters, High Wizards, and Coven Leaders

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Alphas, masters, high wizards, and coven leaders. What are the things that get your motor running for these? What are the things you would like to see less of? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat