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FOR READERS: Are Multiple Pen Names Confusing?

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Alexis Woods: Lately I’ve come across more and more authors writing under various pen names. I first ran into this with contemporary author Sierra Riley, who is also Aubrey Cullens and various others I think because there is a collective hive mind. Then there’s Noah Harris, who has several aliases, and a brother John, but is there really? I get it if you write in two opposing genres, like erotica and YA, but it can be difficult to search through a myriad of names to find books by the authors I like. … Read more

Refill the Topics Bucket

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It’s that time again. I went to get a topic for today off my infamous spreadsheet of death ™ and… gasp… it was empty. No new topics. Nothing. Nada. So I need your help. What do y’all wanna talk about? Want to discuss the latest trends in werewolfery? Hot to discuss your favorite new reads? Have a writing question – like why do some publishers want 12 pt. Times new Roman and others 16 pt ComicSans? Or are you dying to ask why, for the love of God, does your favorite author you love not come out with a sequel? … Read more

FOR WRITERS & READERS: Music and Writing

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Robin Harper: Music for reading/writing~? Love it? Hate it? Ever make a playlist in preparation for either~? :D Or do you find that ONE SONG and listen to it on repeat while you read/write into the wee hours of the morning? (no comment as to whether or not I am guilty of that one >>;; ) Join the chat

FOR READERS: Books to Cheer You Up

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What do you like to read when you’re feeling off, or down? Do you want to curl up with a familiar book and familiar situations? If so, what. If you don’t like to re-read books, what do you look for in something new to help chase the blues away? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat



Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ben Brock: “What do you think of the word queer?” I’ll add a little context. Queer was once used as an extremely negative word toward the gay community in particular and the LGBTIQA community in general. As our acronyms have qotten longer, many folks have searched for an easier shorthand for the community, but the word still carries its own baggage too. We’ve adopted it for a number of our ventures, but I (Scott) am more comfortable with it than Mark, my slightly older husband. How do y’all feel about it, and why? Join … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Imagining the Cover

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: When do you start thinking about cover imagery? Is it something that percolates while you write? Are some images just immediately stuck in your head from the beginning of the project? Or maybe the project is inspired by a particular piece of imagery. Or, is it something that comes when it’s time to publish? Join the chat

FOR READERS: Sci Fi or Fantasy?

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Isaac Walker-Tye: Science fiction or fantasy? Which is your preference (even if it is a slim difference), and why do you choose it (be it for the aesthetic, the plots, etc?) Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat


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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: Do your characters have “day jobs” in addition to their plot mandated activities? Is their job part of their plot mandated activities? How do you work, “work,” into your character’s lives… or does it not matter to you? Join the chat