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New Release/Giveway: At Her Service – Kari Trenten

At Her Service - K.S. Trenten

QSFer K.S. Trenten has a new FF fantasy romance out: At Her Service. There are one too many Ariellas in our family chateau, when my stepmother becomes its mistress. She’s the rightful Ariella, and Ariella is a name she’ll only share with her daughter. Fortunately, the lady doesn’t realize I’m more than happy to give her daughter anything, including my name. I’ve come to live for the moments when I tickle her feet into her glass slippers. Why would I wish for anything more? Magic, however, is going to whisk me away from my pallet in the cinders for a … Read more

New Release: Once Upon a Dance – Kim Fielding

Once Upon a Dance - Kim Fielding

QSFer Kim Fielding has a new MM sci-fi/fairy tale retelling: Once Upon a Dance. Dom is an aging house-android, toiling away for the cruel and ungrateful owners of an inn. He secretly dreams of freedom, friendship, and love. When an inn guest offers him the chance to attend a grand masquerade ball, Dom jumps at the opportunity. For a few precious hours he enjoys a level of independence he had never imagined—and the company of a handsome and kind prince of industry. Until the clock strikes midnight. Get It At Amazon Excerpt “I apologize for the poor condition of our … Read more

Review: Once Upon a Dance – Kim Fielding

Once Upon a Dance - Kim Fielding

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fairy Tale, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Dom is an aging house-android, toiling away for the cruel and ungrateful owners of an inn. He secretly dreams of freedom, friendship, and love. When an inn guest offers him the chance to attend a grand masquerade ball, Dom jumps at the opportunity. For a few precious hours he enjoys a level of independence he had never imagined—and the company of a handsome and kind prince of industry. Until the clock strikes midnight. The Review I love fairy tale retellings, especially when they … Read more

REVIEW: Cinis – pelaam

ANNOUNCEMENT: Cinis, By Pelaam

Title: Cinis Author: Pelaam Genre: Paranormal, Erotic, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Poly Publisher: JMS Books Pages: 111 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book When Valentine’s sire is forced to take a mate by his Clan leader, Valentine is reduced to stoking the castle’s furnaces as nothing more than a cindered servant to the new matriarch. With his sire Libertine incarcerated and Valentine forced to wear a cursed collar, there seems no way to escape Belladonna’s hold on them. When a stranger appears, Valentine is surprised by how quickly he trusts the other vampire. He … Read more

News: Adorable New Fairy Tale Gives Cinderella A Transgender Twist

Jamie – A Transgender Fairytale

‘Jamie – A Transgender Fairytale’ is the latest video from Olly Pike, a UK-based performer and activist. His YouTube channel, Pop’n’Olly, aims to teach children issues effecting the LGBT community and encourage tolerance and understanding. He aims to do this with the help of original animated videos – and a talking balloon named Pop. Orignal Post at Pink News

Announcement: Spurred On, by Jon Keys

Spurred On

QSFer Jon Keys has a new fairy tale retelling book out: Kegan’s new stepfather and stepbrothers are out to make his life miserable. Between the bullying and being overworked, he’s nearly at his wit’s end. When his mother leaves on an annual cattle buying trip for the ranch, he’s determined to suffer through. He must, if he expects to protect her like he promised his dying father. When the family of a young man he’s been infatuated with holds a rodeo, Kegan can’t see a way he can compete. Not until a mystical medicine hat stallion walks into his life. … Read more