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WHAT IF: Humanity Stopped Dumping Carbon Into the Atmosphere Altogether?

climate change - deposit photos

Every Wednesday, we’re asking a what-if question – how would our world be different if something were changed? Today’s question is from QSFer Scott: If humanity suddenly stopped dumping carbon into the atmosphere – because we were all wiped out, or suddenly got climate change religion – how would things change, and how fast? Share your serious scientific analyses, your off-color jokes, and random thoughts on the topic on our FB and MeWe Groups: FB: MeWe:

Pulling Carbon Out of the Atmosphere

Carbon Dioxide CO2 - pixabay

Nature has equipped Earth with several giant “sponges,” or carbon sinks, that can help humans battle climate change. These natural sponges, as well as human-made ones, can sop up carbon, effectively removing it from the atmosphere. But what does this sci-fi-like act really entail? And how much will it actually take — and cost — to make a difference and slow climate change? Sabine Fuss has been looking for these answers for the last two years. An economist in Berlin, Fuss leads a research group at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and was part of … Read more