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Review: As Fire Rains Down – Toni Griffin

As Fire Rains Down - Toni Griffin

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book As fire rains down on the forest, Luke finds a hurt but powerful demigod in its wake— the kind of shifter that should only exist in legend. Forest fires around California have got everyone working overtime. Between Luke’s volunteer rescue efforts as the fires rage and his keeping up with regular police duties in his sleepy hometown of Half Moon Bay, he’s barely had time to eat, let alone catch some shut-eye. It doesn’t help that some out-of-towners have been pressing … Read more

What Are California’s “Dark Watchers”?

Dark Watcher - deposit photos

For hundreds of years, people have looked up at the hazy peaks of California’s Santa Lucia Mountains at sunset and seen tall, cloaked figures staring back. Then, within moments, the eerie silhouettes disappear. These twilight apparitions are known as the Dark Watchers — shady, sometimes 10-foot-tall (3 meters) men bedecked in sinister hats and capes. They primarily appear in the afternoon, and according to a recent article on, visitors to California have seen them perched ominously on the mountaintops for more than 300 years. “When the Spanish arrived in the 1700s, they began calling the apparitions los Vigilantes Oscuros … Read more

The Penis Fish Are Invading California!

Penis Fish - Twitter

Thousands of the 10-inch-long “penis fish” washed up after a recent storm, and reportedly the sight of them stretches for miles. While their scientific name is Urechis caupo and they are also known as fat innkeeper worms, the wriggling pink invertebrates are most commonly referred to as “penis fish” – for obvious reasons. According to a nature magazine local to San Francisco, Bay Nature, penis fish usually live in U-shaped burrows under the sand, but recent storms caused strong waves that swept the sand away, leaving the phallic organisms exposed. Full Story From Pink News