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New Release: Six Strange Stories and an Essay on H.P. Lovecraft – Felice Picano

Six Strange Stories and an Essay on H.P. Lovecraft - Felice Picano

QSFer Felice Picano has a new ghost/story/horror collection out (2 stories are LGBTQ+): Six Strange Stories and an Essay on H.P. Lovecraft. These six stories and an essay on H.P. Lovecraft’s most original work, with comments by the horror-meister’s real life schoolmates, comprise a compelling volume by an author whose earlier work in the field has been called “genius.” In After Sunset in the Second Drawing Room Garden a hip young couple buy the ideal Beverly Hills house perfect for their Television series lifestyle. Only to discover that one special area holds decades old inhabitants who still exert eerie control. … Read more

Review: Calamity – Toshi Drake

Calamity - Toshi Drake

Genre: Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Xanthe, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It At Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book With the planet on the brink of erupting and his memories gone, can Commander Damon Wild find his way back home?  Commander Damon Wild is not having a good day. Being shot down on a remote planet by the Siwu pirates and then losing his memories is enough to make a good man desperate. When his situation becomes worse—a planetary eruption—Damon knows he must do something. A small scientific outpost at the centre of a caldera offers something he had only … Read more

Review: Bang Bang Bodhisattva – Aubrey Wood

Bang Bang Bodhisattva - Aubrey Wood

Genre: Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans FTM, Trans MTF Reviewer: Olivia Get It At Amazon About The Book An edgy, queer cyberpunk detective mystery by an exciting new trans voice from New Zealand. Someone wants trans girl hacker-for-hire Kiera Umehara in prison or dead—but for what? Failing to fix their smart toilet? It’s 2032 and we live in the worst cyberpunk future. Kiera is gigging her ass off to keep the lights on, but her polycule’s social score is so dismal they’re about to lose their crib. That’s why she’s out here … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: The Empath and The Soldier – A.K. Holubek

The Empath and the Soldier - A.K. Holubek

A.K. Holubek has a new MM Regency period fantasy book out, The Unconventionals book 1: The Empath and the Soldier. And there’s a giveaway. The situation seemed hopeless. But Tyrran couldn’t pretend to be ignorant of the danger and just wait for his home to disintegrate around him. As a Favored male, Tyrran belongs to a select group of men born with one of the Four Gifts, a blessing usually reserved for women. Quiet, introverted, and filled with self-doubt, Tyrran has always struggled with living up to the responsibilities that come with being Gifted. Still, he had managed to achieve the … Read more

New Release: Bang Bang Bodhisattva – Aubrey Wood

Bang Bang Bodhisattva - Aubrey Wood

QSFer Aubrey Wood has a new queer cyberpunk book out (ace, bi, gay, gender fluid, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans): Bang Bang Bodhisattva. Someone wants trans girl hacker-for-hire Kiera Umehara in prison or dead—but for what? Failing to fix their smart toilet? It’s 2032 and we live in the worst cyberpunk future. Kiera is gigging her ass off to keep the lights on, but her polycule’s social score is so dismal they’re about to lose their crib. That’s why she’s out here chasing cheaters with Angel Herrera, a luddite P.I. who thinks this is The Big Sleep. Then the latest job … Read more

Review: A Kind of Death – Josh Aterovis

A Kind of Death - Josh Aterovis

Genre: Mystery, Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Cav Crawford has a lot going on. He’s a college student. He has a side gig as a PI. Oh yeah—and he sees ghosts. When four teenage boys disappear while ghost hunting but only one reappears days later (covered in blood and with no memory of what happened), the police point the finger at the boy. The boy’s parents hire Cav to prove his innocence, and it doesn’t take him long to realize he’s in over his head. To complicate matters, Cav … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Trial – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Trial - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica, Space Opera (Not Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | Universal Buy Link About The Book Spyder expertly guides the combat-crippled spaceship Truth to a “safe” crash landing at the bottom of an Aargine ocean. A salvage ship owned by a powerful criminal snags Truth and Spyder’s owner, the Lady Cassandra, negotiates safe transport for the ship’s passengers—her slaves, her prisoners, and her revolutionary recruits—as well as the tools vital for her work as a Dominatrix.  When Sypder finds himself swept up in a Piety Purist political plot to overthrow … Read more

New release: The Blood-Born Dragon – J.C. Rycroft

The Blood-Born Dragon - J.C. Rycroft

QSFer J.C. Rycroft has a new FF fantasy out, Everlands Cycle book 1: The Blood-Born Dragon. A bond she didn’t choose.A love she can’t escape.A creature so powerful it bends the limits of time… Smart, sassy, and sanguine, Des Mildue is a traveling sellsword in Rescalin, a dry and dusty kingdom full of rogues, opportunists, and thieves. She keeps her nose clean, brazens it out with a blade when she can’t, and keeps others at arm’s length where they can’t mess up her plans. That is, until a sword fight gone wrong leaves her tied by blood to the first … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Chantz – Tim Rayborn

Chantz - Tim Rayborn

Tim Rayborn has a new queer urban fantasy out (bi, lesbian), Qwyrk Tales book 3: Chantz. Qwyrk can’t get a break. Spring is springing, but she’s stuck breaking up drunken faery fights as Beltane approaches. She really wants to take things to the next level with her possibly-probably-girlfriend Holly, but she keeps coming down with a chronic case of chickening out. And now, her best human friend, Jilly Pleeth, has had a rather odd encounter. While attending a concert by her favorite band, the Mystic Wedding Weasels, Jilly was amazed by their enigmatic singer, Chantz. There’s something downright magical about … Read more

New Release: Calamity – Toshi Drake

Calamity - Toshi Drake

QSFer Toshi Drake has a new MM sci-fi book out (bi, gay), Starstation book 4: Calamity. With the planet on the brink of erupting and his memories gone, can Commander Damon Wild find his way back home?  Commander Damon Wild is not having a good day. Being shot down on a remote planet by the Siwu pirates and then losing his memories is enough to make a good man desperate. When his situation becomes worse—a planetary eruption—Damon knows he must do something. A small scientific outpost at the centre of a caldera offers something he had only dreamt about, hope. … Read more