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ANNOUNCEMENT: The End, by M. Rose Flores

The End

QSFer M. Rose Flores has a new Bi Horror book out: On Cate Mortensen’s seventeenth birthday, her family is scattered in a fight for survival, and she and her sister Melody are catapulted headfirst into a world where their phones are just hunks of plastic, they must scavenge for every bite, and they sleep with weapons in their hands. Traveling alone, and then not so alone, they follow the route their family planned to Alcatraz Island where the hope of safety and a real life awaits. After more than a year on the road, Cate has found three things to … Read more

TV: Another Riverale Character Comes Out as Bi

Cheryl Blossom

Riverdale has another bisexual character after head cheerleader and all-round badass Cheryl Blossom came out in the latest episode. Madelaine Petsch, who plays Cheryl on the dark CW and Netflix show about Archie Comics characters, revealed last week that Cheryl was “definitely interested in both women and men”.  And in an emotional scene with prominent bisexual lighting, Cheryl opened up about her sexuality to Toni Topaz, who also came out as bi earlier this season. Toni and Cheryl are among several Netflix characters to reveal their bisexuality in the past year, including Darryl Whitefeather on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Adam … Read more

FILM: “Guardians of the Galaxy” Star Lee Pace is Bi

Lee Pace

Hollywood actor Lee Pace has come out, saying he has dated both men and women. The “Guardians of the Galaxy” star is currently preparing to star in the Angels in America Broadway revival, Pace gave an interview to W Magazine. In it, he was asked about his sexuality and dating life, which is where he made the revelation. But he said he thought questions about sexuality were “intrustive” and that he was surprised to be asked. He told the magazine: “I’ve dated men. I’ve dated women. By Joseph Patrick McCormick – Full Story at Pink News

ANNOUNCEMENT – Surrogate: Hunted, by Jeanne G’Fellers

Surrogate: Hunted

QSFer Jeanne G’Fellers has a new bi sci fi book out: Alien Scum. Royal Concubine. Destroyer of Traditions. Alyward Etain Ixtii detests the hate-wielding labels others place on her, but there is one label she wholeheartedly embraces-Mom. With her husband, Leigheas, their five children, and her goddaughter relying on her, Etain manages a careful balance between her family, her diplomatic career, and her problematic, opinionated breeding instinct dubbed She-Beast. But balance can’t help when Etain and her Human goddaughter, seventeen-year-old Brigit Feney, must run for their lives. Brigit and Etain have been abducted and transported via stolen wormhole technology to … Read more

COMICS: We Almost had a Bisexual X-Man

Gambit - X-Men

If one person had made a different decision, we could be looking at having a bisexual X-Men solo superhero film next year. It has been revealed that one mutant could have been bisexual a few years ago. Writer James Asmus, back in Gambit’s 2012 solo series, was originally going to depict the Cajun card-playing thief as bisexual. ‘It’s true that I was interested in revealing Gambit to be bisexual in our series,’ Asmus said, ‘with us first seeing him seduce a man on one of his missions, and soon thereafter meeting a member of the thieves guild Gambit previously had … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Walking on Water, by Matthew Metzger

Walking on Water

QSFer Matthew J. Metzger has a new bi fantasy book out: When a cloud falls to earth, Calla sets out to find what lies beyond the sky. Father says there’s nothing, but Calla knows better. Something killed that cloud; someone brought it down. Raised on legends of fabled skymen, Calla never expected them to be real, much less save one from drowning—and lose her heart to him. Who are the men who walk on water? And how can such strange creatures be so beautiful? Infatuated and intrigued, Calla rises out of her world in pursuit of a skyman who doesn’t … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Writing Bisexuality

Bisexual Heart - 123rf paid

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In honor of bi week, I thought we’d ask our bi authors to take center stage, and tell us what their experience has been both writing and reading bi characters. What do writers get right when tackling a character who is bisexual? What do they often get wrong? If you are bi- or pan-sexual, please chime in. If you’re not, this is a great forum to ask questions. This could be a sensitive topic, so please keep your questions and comments thoughtful and respectful. Join the chat

FOR READERS: Bi in My Books

Bisexual Heart - 123rf paid

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In honor of #biweek, let’s talk about queer speculative fiction with bi characters – what are your favorite books that include bisexuality and bi characters? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

ANNOUNCEMENT: Into the Mystic Anthology

Into the Mystic

QSFer Charli Coty has a story in a new lesbian/bi fantasy antho: Eleven lesbian/bisexual paranormal short stories… Reborn by Brooklyn Ray – Dark magic, mystical bloodlines, a living forest, and two women fighting to reclaim a love they lost. Zero Hour by J.C. Long – She can’t outrun the full moon. Dove in the Window by Kara Race-Moore – As if the Great Depression wasn’t bad enough, Cissy’s first love is back from the dead. Bottom of the River by Samantha Kate – The demon isn’t always the monster. If You Want to Walk by Nicole Field – Follow Chess … Read more

ENTERTAINMENT: TV’s Kid Flash Actor Comes Out as Bi

Keiynan Lonsdale

Keiynan Lonsdale, the Australian actor best known for his role as Wally West, or Kid Flash, on The CW’s The Flash, has come out as bisexual in a moving Instagram post. “I like to change my hair, I like to take risks with how I dress, I like girls, & I like guys (yes), I like growing, I like learning, I like who I am and I really like who I’m becoming,” Lonsdale writes. He goes on to explain that he no longer wishes to spend any more time in self-hatred, or entertain the untrue belief that he is less … Read more