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comic Book “Power Bear” Tackles Gay Shame, Mental Health and An Alien Apocalypse

Power Bear

In a world of buff, statuesque heroes, Power Bear is bringing body positivity and discussions of mental health to the queer community. Imagine a superhero. They may be tall and muscular, like Henry Cavill’s Superman, or have the shoulder-to-waist ratio of Chris Evan’s Captain America. Maybe they even have his beloved “America’s ass”. But a new breed of hero is slowly emerging in pop culture which is more representative of the beauty and variety of body shapes in the real world. “Bears are hard to find in the comic mainstream,” Łukasz Majcher, creator of Power Bear, tells PinkNews. “The only … Read more

Announcement: The Secret History of Another Rome, by Bear

The Secret History of Another Rome

QSFer Ruff Bear has a new Sci Fi book out: In the mid-2600s, Ranulf becomes Supreme Pontiff of the Empire of Rome at Alexandria, a patriarchy run by priest-bureaucrats called Librarians. After twenty-two years on the throne, Ranulf’s memories flood back to him, from the time he moved to Alexandria with his mother to his present situation resulting from his choices, his training and his relationships. Ranulf’s life has been a quest for truth, not the half-truths of the Librarians and their Secret History, but an understanding of how action rather than static dogma is the path to the future. … Read more