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Announcement: Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions Anthology

Seven Deadly Sins: Furry Confessions

QSFer Bill Kieffer is part of a new Furry anthology: Seven Deadly Sins has been a literary trope for centuries, popularized by Italian poet Dante. They are as follows: pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. This collection is divided respectively into the seven parts. You will see anthro-animal characters at their darkest and weakest moments: at the whorehouse, at the chopping block, in the morgue, in the dining room with the candlestick. There is horror—especially in Wrath—and erotica—especially in Lust. Experience these characters’ sins. Then, stand and judge…or fall and be judged. Bill has a story in the … Read more

Announcement: Out of This World, by Catherine Lundoff

Out of This World

QSFer Catherine Lundoff has a new GENRE book out: Eleven tales of the queer fantastic by award-winning author Catherine Lundoff. A bookstore clerk goes on a quest for the Norns while a couple of mercenaries wake up to some big surprises at their favorite inn. Shakespeare’s sister, Judith, forms an alliance with playwright Christopher Marlowe. A witch attempts the wrong love spell and a young prince meets an irresistible monster. Swordswomen, ghosts, the Queen of the Fay, the occasional gentleman of the evening and other unforgettable characters populate these stories rich and strange. Includes the Gaylactic Spectrum Award finalist “At … Read more

Announcement: Once Upon a Time in the Weird West Anthology

once upon a time in the weird west

There are bunches of QSF authors in this new wild west speculative fiction anthology: This isn’t the same old Wild West. The usual suspects are all present: cowboys, outlaws, and sheriffs. There’s plenty of dust, tumbleweeds, horses, and cattle on the range, but there are also magical gems, automatons, elementals, airships… even dinosaurs and genetically modified insects. Roaming among the buffalo and coyotes, you’ll encounter skinwalkers, mad engineers, mythical beings cloaked in darkness, and lovers who stay true to their oaths… even beyond the grave. On this frontier are those at the mercy of their own elaborate devices as well … Read more

Announcement: This Wish Tonight Anthology

This Wish Tonight

Mischief Corner Books has a new MM romance holiday anthology book out: Warmth, family, good cheer? Not everyone associates these things with the winter holidays. For some, it’s a time of longing and reflection. Mischief Corner Books invites authors to create stories set during the holiday season and centered on the fulfillment of a wish or desire. Fear of Fire by Gregory L. Norris Glass Artist Lucius Price works desperately to create a holiday symbol intended to help the town of Villatopia heal from a rash of unsolved hate crimes against gay men. When he is targeted next and his … Read more

Guest Post: Love Wins Anthology

Love Wins

QSFer Grace R. Duncan has a new sci fi short in the Dreamspinner “Love Wins” charity anthology, and she’s written a great guest post for us today: With time comes healing, but Orlando and the LGBT community are still recovering from last June’s tragedy. To show our ongoing support for those affected by the Orlando shooting, our authors, editors, artists, and staff have volunteered their talents to create this second benefit anthology. All proceeds will be donated to LGBT organizations in central Florida. Join us as we reaffirm that no matter the obstacle, love always wins. Overcoming Fear by Grace … Read more

Announcement: All in Fear Anthology

All in Fear

Open Ink Press has a new queer horror antholgy out: Horror wears many faces, and its masks can be tantalizing. Some of the top names in queer fiction come together to spin their own versions of horror. Worlds rife with dark beauty and mystery, the familiar becoming terrible, creatures ethereal and alluring—and all bearing the gleam of love. Does hope lie along these grim passages or only doom? It will become clear. All in time—and all in fear. Buy Links Open Ink Press | Amazon Individual Stories Company by Roan Parrish NICK LEVY’S family is falling apart and he has … Read more

Announcement: The Angels of Our Better Beasts, by Jerome Stueart

The Angels of Our Better Beasts

QSFer Jerome Stueart has a new sci fi/fantasy anthology book out: THE BEASTS HAVE PLANS FOR YOU. PLANS TO MAKE. YOU PROSPER AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE. BUT YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO TRUST THEM. The Lemmings are really researching the Arctic biologists, the werewolves sing sweet Christian praise songs, and the signing gorilla just wants someone back in the cage for a minute or two. The black dog who tells you God loves you may not be believable, no, and those old lions in the canyon are up to something, aren’t … Read more

Guest Post: Doreen Perrine, Haunting Muses

Haunting Muses

Doreen Perrine is stopping by with a guest post in support of the new FF anthology Haunting Muses: It’s no coincidence that this anthology was released in the nick of time for Halloween. Yet when we think about ghosts, lesbian or otherwise, they surpass or defy time, and defiance is a very much a lesbian thing. My nephew is a research scientist, and we’ve had an ongoing debate since he was a kid: he believes in aliens but not ghosts. I believe that we ought to suspend our disbelief enough to entertain the possibility of both. And aliens and ghosts … Read more

Announcement: Contact Anthology (Gothika Vol. 5)

Contact: Gothika Vol. 5

QSFers F.E. Feely Jr., Jamie Fessenden, Kim Fielding, and B.G. Thomas have a new MM sci fi romance anthology out: Since ancient times, humankind has looked into the night sky and wondered: Are we alone? Are there other civilizations beyond the stars? Will we ever encounter these beings? Who are they, what are they like, and what might they want with us? These questions are about to be answered, but those who discover the truth might wish they had never asked. On the other hand, some might find salvation in visitors from other planets. For while some aliens are hostile, … Read more

Announcement: Haunting Muses Anthology

Haunting Muses

QSFer Doreen Perrine has pulled together a new FF paranormal anthology out: In this collection of lesbian stories, ghosts, be they actual or the metaphorical ghosts of memories, aren’t necessarily evil and hauntings may or may not be bad. How do we move beyond the foul spirits or integrate the shining beings who haunt us in the cruelest or the best ways? And how do we or our characters reconcile these ghosts into transformation and healing within present reality? Buy Links Amazon Editor Bio Doreen Perrine is a writer and artist who lives in the Hudson Valley of upstate New … Read more