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ANNOUNCEMENT: Twenty-One Arrow Salute, by Kasia Bacon

Twenty-One Arrow Salute

QSFer Kasia Bacon has a new MM fantasy book out: Verhan Tŭrryés of Black Mountain is a handful. Freshly enlisted in the Highland Regiment, he does all he can to steer clear of responsibility and commitment. Just not his cup of mead, that. Loose of tongue and even looser of morals, he rarely misses an opportunity to get into trouble—and into the other archers’ knickers, too. In a unit composed almost entirely of Dark Elves, Hernan Seinnés, with his green eyes and auburn hair, is an outsider. When Verhan, up the creek again, is blackmailed into helping Hernan, he never … Read more

News: Scientists May Have Found Alien “Megastructures” In Space

Solar Panels in Space

ASTRONOMERS BELIEVE THAT a series of objects sighted in deep space bear all the hallmarks of alien construction. A star, which sits above the milky way in the sky and is invisible to the human eye, was stared at for more than four years by the Kepler Space Telescope up until 2014, and now scientists think that objects surrounding the star could be a “swarm of megastructures”. The Kepler telescope is manned by a team of citizen scientists, known as the ‘Planet Hunters’, who sift through the data on the 150,000 stars that the telescope monitors. “We’d never seen anything … Read more