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New Release: Colony – Gina A. Pond

Colony - Gina A. Pond

QSFer Gina A. Pond has a new queer sci-fi book out, Survey book 3: Colony. Jenny needs time to heal – but she’n not going to get it. After her near destruction on New Harmony, Jenny Frasier retreats to Musashi. She submerges herself in training and meditation, trying to find her balance again. Once more, she is unexpectedly catapulted to the front lines of a war of hatred – one she is uniquely qualified to win, with some help. As a deep-cover espionage specialist, Lulu uses her sociopathic tendencies for the greater good, but she never expects love, connection – … Read more

New Release: Unity – Gina A. Pond

Cover - Unity by Gina Pond - a round, red alien monster that's all mouth, with four eyes spaced equally around its "lips" and sharp white teeth inside its huge mouth, standing on white tentacles, on a green alien ground.

QSFer Gina A. Pond has a new queer hard sci-fi book out, Survey book 2: Unity. Jack Kirby just wants peace. Deeply scarred from a failed mission and struggling with the loss of his lover, Jack takes a job as a Religious Program Specialist on a remote PreCol station. There, he finds what he never expected: a family. Marsha, a complicated woman with a deep connection to the spiritual world. Jenny, a cheerful ensign with a dangerous past. Mark, driven to demolish the atavistic cult he was born into. Can Jack protect them all as they become entangled in an … Read more

Review: The Lute of Liana – Rosen Pavus

The Lute Of Liana - Rosen Pavus

Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Ace Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Lulu Note: this book is currently only available in paperback. About The Book Join an unusual and kind-hearted party of adventurers as they journey through the vast LGBTQ-friendly lands of Findor in search of a legendary treasure: The Lute of Liana. Throughout their travels they will meet friends old and new and discover the true meaning and worth of friendship, love, and family. The Review The Lute of Liana is a sweet, gentle romp through the fantasy world of Findor, which is populated by orcs, faeries, dwarves, and … Read more

New Release: Survey – Gina A. Pond

Survey - Gina Pond

QSFer Gina A. Pond has a new queer hard sci fi book out book out, Survey series book 1: Survey. This is the start of something huge.Kiah Hasan, a young, talented computer scientist haunted by her war-torn past, is reaching for something just beyond the edge of theoretical possibility. Her best friend, physicist Nigel Evans, is obsessed with pushing the boundaries of space travel. And Captain Josh Walker? He’s just out here for the adventure – and Kiah. Together with the crew of Trinity station, they head toward the Kuiper Belt – just as simmering political tension on Earth erupts … Read more

Review: The Southern Magicks – Ashton K. Rose

The Southern Magicks - Ashton K. Rose

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Trans Man, Bisexual, Achillean Bisexual, Pansexual, Non-Binary, Lesbian, Homoromantic Asexual, Poly, Gay, Aromantic Asexual Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book A month ago, a demon tore the thin veneer of a normal life I’d crafted apart when it almost killed me. Revealing my husband, Eli, as the prodigal son of a powerful magic family. When I grew up, I walked away from magic. Left my remote hometown and pretended the ghosts Gran taught me to see weren’t there while I went to university to become a librarian. Our one secret tightly … Read more

Review: Consider Pegasus – SI CLARKE

Consider Pegasus - SI CLARKE

Genre: Sci-Fi, Satire, Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Non-Binary (Trans Allegory) Reviewer: Jay Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Universal Buy Link About The Book A secret unicorn, a desperate family, and a cop dead-set on hunting them down. Lem and the rag-tag gang of galactic adventurers on the starship Teapot are set to become roadies for the galaxy’s hottest band – but an urgent call from Bexley’s family means the rock stars will have to wait. Bexley’s soon-to-be-born sibling has a big secret: wings. On their world, skeledivergence is outlawed, so the Teapot crew swoop in to help the family … Read more

New Release: The Truthspoken Heir – Novae Caelum

The Truthspoken Heir - Novae Caelum

QSFer Novae Caelum has a new queer epic space fantasy out, The Stars and Green Magics book 1 (ace, bi, gender fluid, lesbian, non-binary, agender): The Truthspoken Heir. In the interstellar kingdom of Valoris, everyone knows the royal family is watching. They can be anyone and anywhere with their shapeshifting abilities—they are Truthspoken and to be feared. Of course, that doesn’t stop the high houses from trying to take them down by any means they can. Arianna is the perfect Truthspoken Heir: beautiful, intelligent, and a master of her shapeshifting craft, determined to one day rule with the same control … Read more

Review: One of Our Spaceships is Missing – Chris Gerrib

One of Our Spaceships is Missing - Chris Gerrib

Genre: Military Sci-Fi, Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: Valerie Bean Get It On Amazon About The Book In the 23rd century, spaceships just don’t go missing. FBI agent Ray Volk is assigned to a task force to investigate a tragic accident: the disappearance of interplanetary passenger liner ValuTrip Cardinal, carrying 500 souls between Mars and Earth on a routine run. What looks like a cut-and-dried case of pressure loss is complicated by the arrival of a Martian Captain. A very cute Martian Captain who keeps sticking his nose in Ray’s investigation. Martian exchange student Kelly Rack … Read more

Review: Of Mycelium and Men – William C. Tracy

Of Mycelium and Men - William C. Tracy

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization, First Contact LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Demi, Gay, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans MTF Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book Lida was their last chance for an uncolonized planet. But a world-spanning fungus had colonized it first. Agetha and her husband have spent their whole lives in the fleet’s zero-G. Now all is turmoil as the fleet lands, discovering they are surrounded by a single fungal biomass spanning the entire planet. To build a new home, the fleet must confront a dangerous organism, and Agetha must decide if she can raise a family in … Read more

New Release: One of Our Spaceships is Missing – Chris Gerrib

One of Our Spaceships is Missing - Chris Gerrib

Chris Gerrib has a new queer sci-fi book out (ace, bi, gay, lesbian): One of Our Spaceships is Missing. In the 23rd century, spaceships just don’t go missing. FBI agent Ray Volk is assigned to a task force to investigate a tragic accident: the disappearance of interplanetary passenger liner ValuTrip Cardinal, carrying 500 souls between Mars and Earth on a routine run. What looks like a cut-and-dried case of pressure loss is complicated by the arrival of a Martian Captain. A very cute Martian Captain who keeps sticking his nose in Ray’s investigation. Martian exchange student Kelly Rack knows the … Read more