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REVIEW: We Shall Not Sleep, By M.R. Graham

We Shall Not Sleep, By M.R. Graham

Title: We Shall Not Sleep Series: The Van Helsing Legacy Book One Author: M.R. Graham Genre: Paranormal Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Demi, Gay Publisher: Qui est literis Pages: 435 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book The Great War is over, its fires quenched. The guns are silent. The Dead are waking. Meg van Helsing grew up with a book in one hand and a wooden stake in the other, a crucifix always around her neck. But the world has changed, and the monsters she hunts with her friends are less frightening than gas burns and … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Asexual/Aromantic Authors

Ownvoices - Ace

Every Saturday on the QSF Facebook group, we’re now hosting #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are asexual or aromantic / on the ace/aro spectrum and who write ace or aro, etc characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re an ace or aro author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with ace or aro characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite ace or … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Asexual/Aromantic Authors

Ownvoices - Ace

Every Saturday on the QSF Facebook group, we’re now hosting #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are asexual or aromantic and who write ace or aro characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re an ace or aro author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with ace or aro characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite ace or aro authors and their spec fic … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Asexual Authors

Ownvoices - Ace

Every Saturday on the QSF Facebook group, we’re now hosting #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are asexual and who write ace characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re an ace author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with ace characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite ace authors and their spec fic works that include ace characters. Note: This is NOT a … Read more

#OWNVOICES: Asexual Authors

Ownvoices - Ace

We’re starting a new thing on Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group – #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are asexual and who write ace characters in speculative fiction. #ownvoices If you’re an ace author, tell us about yourself, your experiences as an author, and the spec fic books you write (especially those with ace characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite ace authors and their spec fic works that include ace characters. Note: This … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Escape From the Holidays Collection

Escape From the Holidays Collection

Escape from the Holidays Collection For the second year in a row, Mischief Corner Books is putting out a winter holiday collection – Escape from the Holidays – ten stories revolving around various December holidays: The end of year holidays can get overwhelming for anyone. Things to do. People to see. Last minute work obligations to take care of. Sometimes it’s just easier to escape from it all, running away from the responsibilities and expectations, or ignore the underlying disappointment from relatives who don’t see eye-to-eye with you. Because escaping the holiday grind can lead to new, unexpected paths, and … Read more

FOR WRITERS/READERS: Asexuality in Speculative Fiction

Asexual Ace Flag

FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: We’re starting to see more diversity in speculative fiction. Even so, there are still a paucity of asexual characters.   Writers: Do you write ace characters? What are some of the considerations in getting them “right”?   Readers – who are your fave ace characters in speculative fiction? Join the chat

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Liminality Series Box Set, by M.R. Graham

The Liminality Series - M.R. Graham

QSFer M.R. Graham has a new ace-aro paranormal box set out: The Liminality Series. It begins with the breaking of a gentle monster, with the capture of girl who dwells in dreams, with the hidden strength of a young wizard, with the bitter rage of a wounded vampire. It ends in victory… or a world drowning in Shadows, overrun with Death. The Rules are in flux, the balance shifting. Never in memory has a medium, a being both alive and dead, become a vampire. Never has a creature born to aid the dead been impelled to violence. Never has the … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Bones & Bourbon, by Dorian Graves

Bones and Bourbon

Dorian Graves has a new Ace/Bi urban fantasy book out: Half-huldra Retz Gallows is having an awful day. First, he wakes up in the middle of driving to who-knows-where with an angry unicorn head in his passenger seat. This is almost normal, thanks to a lifetime of sharing a body with Nalem, a bone-controlling spirit with a penchant for wicked schemes and body-stealing joyrides. It’s probably a bad idea to ask what else could go wrong. Jarrod Gallows left home with plans to rescue his little brother from possession. Instead, he got saddled with a dead-end job as a paranormal … Read more