At times I worry that I’m spending too much time on my blogs, time that takes me away from my many works in progress. The Cauldrons, however, have been a vital source of inspiration, creativity, and energy since becoming a professional writer. They give me an idea of what direction I want to take my stories in. They’ve given my characters a spot to express themselves, bringing to my attention matters I need to focus on.
Quartz has taken on a life of his own in Secondary Characters Speak Out, refusing to let himself fade away, even when I’m concentrating on a story other than his. Not only has he reminded me constantly of his presence, but he’s brought to my attention other minor characters, getting me to think about ways I could flesh them out, make them more interesting.
Secondary Characters Speak Out has also give other writers’ characters a chance to express them in the cross-over space of the fourth wall, where we can all enjoy a little roleplaying, while our creations talk (or rant) about this or that. My manuscript in progess; Wind Me Up, One More Time changed dramatically due to Quartz’s interview with Iama the Terrible, not that I mind.
I’m delighted with the new direction it’s going in, but I’ve got to wonder. What is it with me, evil enchantresses, and their hearts turning into apples? I’ve got a running metaphor going here, which I hope readers enjoy as much as I do. :) Heh, I think I’m getting another idea for a blog, which is besides the point.
Or maybe it is the point. Blogging reminds me of characters I might otherwise have forgotten. My weekly and monthly posts given me a nudge toward stories I hope to finish, revise, find a home for, or self-publish. Yes, it takes time away from those projects, but it also rejuvenates my interest in them.
What about you, dear reader? Do your blogs give you ideas? Do they guide your own writing in a certain direction?