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Rise Release, and Our Top Three Winners


Queer Sci Fi’s latest flash fiction anthology Rise is finally here.

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RISE (noun / verb)

Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell:

1) An upward slope or movement
2) A beginning or origin
3) An increase in amount or number
4) An angry reaction
5) To take up arms
6) To return from death
7) To become heartened or elated
8) To exert oneself to meet a challenge

Rise features 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi.

The Winners

And now for the part you’ve all been waiting for – the top three winners for this year’s contest:

Third Place - Rise

Getting the Proper Rise, by Aidee Ladnier

The judges loved the use of bread as the vehicle for an exorcism, and the beautiful imagery of the story, as well as its playful tone and creative interpretation of the theme.

Third Place - Rise

Dead Name, by Sorren Briarwood

This one grabs you with its first line and doesn’t let go. The judges loved this clever interpretation of the theme, and the fact that it told its story clearly and completely, always a challenge in the flash fiction format. And such a sweet and funny ending.

First Place - Rise

So High Up We’ll Never Hear Them Shouting, by Meghan Hyland

The judges loved this story—it scored high above its next competitor, a rarity in this contest. It’s metaphorical and lyrical, well constructed—“brilliant, charming and affirming” in the words of one of the judges. Another called it the “ultimate queer communal home.” A beautiful story we were honored to receive. 

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