It’s finally time to announce the five Judges’ Choice stories for 2023, and the two Director’s Choices too. While these stories did not snag one of the top prizes, the judges and the director loved them so much and thought they were worthy of extra recognition.
So without further ado…

Dinner for Two – Olivia Kemper
Judge: Angel Martinez
Nothing catches my reader eye faster than a story that surprises me – and this one certainly did. (No spoilers!) Add in a bit of food love and it becomes a story that stays with me.
It Came From Atom City – Dean Wells
Judge: Ben Lilley
It has been my extreme pleasure to judge Queer Sci Fi’s Annual Flash Fiction Anthology Contest year after year. This year, I have claimed It Came From Atom City as my judge’s pick. A classic tale of unrequited love with a moving–and surprisingly humorous at times–sci-fi spin, It Came From Atom City combined environmentalism and the awkwardness of queer love into a humorous and compelling story with a happy-enough ending. This delightful piece of flash fiction was ranked highly by our judges; I simply happened to be the one to snap it up first as my judge’s pick.
Artemis, Fractured – George Underwood
Judge: Sacchi Green
Of all the gods of the Greeks, Artemis appeals to me most. A hunter, female but not effeminate. In “Artemis: Fractured”, her asexual friendship is deep as any love, and the visual effect of sparks rising in the night sky to become the stars making up the constellation of Orion strikes me as a perfect use of our theme.
Speed Date – Paula McGrath
Judge: Diane Allen
There were three stories I liked the most, but this one also brought in humour with a necromancer trying speed dating, finding what he does boring compared to accounting! And the character name—Steve, but you can call me Zex the Magnificent, not to mention that Steve is an interesting choice from magical parents, even if they went with Steven or Stephen! Whether he’s clueless or has just had a sheltered life in a magical community, I found the story to be entertaining while still hitting all the marks. I wouldn’t mind an extended story to know if Steve/Zax does find someone willing to date him!
Deadname – Oliver Nash
Judge: Lloyd Meeker
I gave this story a perfect score and wrote, “This story is the whole package—beautifully, beautifully done” in my scoring notes. Generally I’m not a fan of the macabre, but while shown without flinching here, it’s embraced in serenity, with love and respect. Clear details tell the story. The writing voice flows like a soft floral dress — graceful, strong, elegant, exquisite. It infuses the story with a wonderful dimension of dignity and triumph.

Rise Up – Nathan Alling Long
Director: J. Scott Coatsworth
The competition for Director’s Choice was especially fierce this year. In the end, it came down to three that I absolutely loved. I whittled it down to two, and am exercising my prerogative again to name both of those stories as this year’s “choice.” This one, as it was utterly unique among all the stories submitted. The “Slinky” aspect reminded me of my childhood, and the subject matter tapped into very current worries about the direction of our cities. And the author managed it all with style and a distinctly queer flavor. I loved this darkly whimsical tale.
Simple Recipes for Small Magics – Ziggy Schutz
Director: J. Scott Coatsworth
There were several stories this year that found inspiration for the theme in the yeast-spurred rise of bread. I loved them all, but this one in particular stuck with me, its combination of a trans bread witch and such amazing phrases as “A good crust can betray the strength of a nation” set it apart and made me stand up and take notice. My second director’s pick of the year—delicious and magical.