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Review: Returning to the Werewolf – Holly Day

Returning to the Werewolf - Holly Day

Genre: Paranormal, Romance

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild

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About The Book

Lex Gray was in love once. He was young and gave his heart to Cash Udolph, who he believed would be with him forever. When his world fell apart, Cash was nowhere to be found. Lex left Warwood, the tiniest village ever placed on a map, and swore never to come back. Seventeen years later, he’s there to attend his grandmother’s funeral.

Cash lost his mate. Lex begged him to run away with him, but as the enforcer of a werewolf pack, Cash can’t leave Warwood. When everything came crashing down seventeen years ago, he shifted into a wolf and ran off into the woods. He ran to clear his head and make a plan of how to convince Lex to stay and how to get the pack to accept Cash having a human mate. But when he came back, Lex was gone.

Lex needs to get out of Warwood, but driving in the middle of the night might not have been his best idea. A naked man jumps up on the road only to turn into a wolf before his eyes, and Lex slams the brakes hard enough to slide off the road. When Cash is called in to sort a situation with a human, he never expected the human to be his Lex. He’s been given a second chance, but Lex wants to leave as soon as possible. Can Cash convince Lex to allow him back into his life before the tow truck gets there?

The Review

Lex Gray left the small town of Warwood seventeen years ago, and swore he would never return. Unfortunately, the death of his Nana has forced him to come back for her funeral. The day is traumatic for him, and staying in his motel room becomes unbearable. So he gets in his car at 2 AM to go for a drive.

To keep himself awake, he plays music loud and keeps the windows open despite the freezing temperature and the snow that’s coming down. Then he sees a naked man in the road, who turns into a wolf, and in his shock he drives off the road into a ditch. Luckily he’s unhurt, but he quickly realizes that leaving the motel and risking his life and anyone else on the road was selfish and dangerous.

Lex finds himself surrounded by wolves, one of them looking like he wants to eat him. Locked in his car, he watches as another wolf approaches and then disappears into the woods only to reappear once again as a man – a man that Lex knew immediately.

Cash is the man he has always loved, the one who abandoned Lex when he needed him most.

When Cash sees Lex, he knows his dreams have come true. Lex was his mate, and had never been (and vever would be) another one for him. Cash takes Lex back him to his cabin and tries to rekindle the feelings Lex once had for him.

Lex has a lot to adjust to. Werewolves are real, and the man he has always loved is one of them.

This book was written to bring awareness to Drowsy Driving Prevention Week and the danger of driving while tired. So many don’t pay attention and drive tired, risking both their lives and others. Lex was lucky, but his decision to drive at 2 AM after a traumatic day was unwise and risky.

This book was much more than a story about a love lost and then found. It’s a lesson about the consequences of our actions. It has an HEA, but it could easily have gone the other way. I really enjoyed both the love story and the lesson this book told.

4 stars.

The Reviewer

I am an avid reader the mother of 3 sons and grandmother to seven grandchildren. Since retiring I have been doing more reading while volunteering as a CASA worker. CASA is an organization that works with the family court system to ensure that children are in the best living situation. There are way too many children that get overlooked in the foster care system and I visit homes and make visits to the parents. I was born and raised in New York and my husband of 50 years and I live in Upstate New York. 

The Paranormal Romance Guild was established in 2009 by 8 Indie Authors and one Reviewer to be a constant help for authors. You can be a free author member, submitting your work for review OR become a Premium Author Member for a small yearly fee and enjoy many extra services including Free Beta Reads, Author Giveaways and many others. Your reviews are posted on our 3 FB Sites, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. WE REVIEW ALL GENRES LGBTQ+ welcome.

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