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REVIEW: Exposed – H.L. Day

Exposed - H.L. Day

Genre: Sci-Fi, Action-Adventure, Romance

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Maryann

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About The Book

Sometimes salvation comes from the most unlikely hero. 

When Tate Gillespie is marked for death for a crime he didn’t commit, his life crumbles. In a world where ‘justice’ is meted out by a relentless military force, he’s going to need more than a mythical guardian angel. His life down to seconds, he’s saved by the mysterious X, a knife-wielding man he’s never even met before. But who is X? Is he the man who threatens and kills without a second thought? Or the strangely gentle man who only seems to act that way around Tate? 

X is a shadow. A wraith. A man who flits through the city virtually unseen. He’s got no time for people when knives are far more reliable. X does have one weakness though—the man he’s been keeping safe for years who doesn’t even know it. He’d burn the whole world to keep him alive. But what he won’t do is stake his claim. Tate’s not his and he needs to remember that, no matter how close they might become. 

With the military in hot pursuit, they’re going to need to rely on X’s skills to keep them both alive. Tate’s feelings are growing with every hour they spend together, but X is a tough nut to crack. Can two people from very different backgrounds really find common ground? Or will one of the many perils they face throughout their long journey drive them apart?

It’s all about survival. Not love. Isn’t it?

Exposed is a 132k action/adventure story featuring two men who couldn’t be more opposite.

The Review

Somewhere in the far off future, the world has become split. There’s a wall that divides the slums from the much more fortunate.  And when the law is broken, there’s no jail, judge or jury. The DTP military force carries out the final judgement immediately – death.

X knows how to live among both worlds, in the darkness of night. He’s lived in the slums most of his life. He knows how to use the shadows, streets and underground hideouts. Most of all, he’s an expert with knives, and knows how to survive no matter what the cost. As a young boy, he made a promise to a man who helped him survive.

Tate Gilespe lives on the more fortunate side of town. He’s been living a good life. He has a nice job and a boyfriend. Tate doesn’t know it but he has a stalker – X – and it’s for reasons that he knows nothing about.

When Tate is accused of a crime, the DTP comes in search of him. They’re ready to execute him on the spot, but X rescues him, and they run for their lives. Tate believes there’s a place where freedom still exists and laws are not so cruel, but X has his doubts. Tate, never experiencing the world X lives in, finds himself on a bizarre and dangerous journey to freedom.  

Exposed takes off like a shot! It’s action packed, fast-paced and suspenseful, with over-the-top danger and adventure into a dystopian world that is beyond the imagination.  Day is very creative with the world building, especially the strange characters that live below ground.

Day’s X is the perfect hardass: mean, gruff, and gritty, but with a soft spot for Tate. He and Tate are definite opposites, but Tate turns out to be quite the match for X. Besides all the riveting excitement, the story leads to a steamy, angsty romance with just the right touch of humor.

I also listened to Exposed on audible. The novel is narrated by the talented Anderson Richards. I loved the accent, which I’m not sure is British or Australian, but it was amazing. All the characters had distinctive voices and the narration was just perfect, capturing all the various emotions.

I highly recommend this page-turner, in book or audio form – Day and Richards made “Exposed” extremely entertaining!

The Reviewer

Hi, I’m Maryann, I started life in New York, moved to New Hampshire and in 1965 uprooted again to Sacramento, California.  Once I retired I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida in 2011 and just moved back to Sacramento in March of 2018.  My son, his wife and step-daughter flew out to Florida and we road tripped back so they got to see sights they have never seen.  New Orleans and the Grand Canyon were the highlights. Now I am back on the west coast again to stay! From a young age Ialways liked to read.

I remember going to the library and reading the “Doctor Dolittle” books by Hugh Lofting. Much later on became a big fan of the classics, Edgar Alan Poe, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker and as time went by Agatha Christie, Ray Bradbury and Stephen Kingand many other authors.

My first M/M shifter book I read was written by Jan Irving the “Uncommon Cowboys” series from 2012.  She was the first author I ever contacted and sent an email to letting her know how much I liked this series.  Sometime along the way I read “Zero to the Bone”by Jane Seville, I think just about everyone has read this book! 

As it stands right now I’m really into mysteries, grit, gore and “triggers” don’t bother me. But if a blurb piques my interest I will read the book.

My kindle collection eclectic and over three thousand books and my Audible collection is slowly growing.  I have both the kindle and audible apps on my ipod, ipads, and MAC. So there is never an excuse not to be listening or reading.

I joined Goodreads around 2012 and started posting reviews.  One day a wonderful lady, Lisa Horan of The Novel Approach, sent me an email to see if I wanted to join her review group.  Joining her site was such an eye opener.  I got introduce to so many new authors that write for the LGBTQ genre. Needless to say, it was heart breaking when it ended.

But I found a really great site, QRI and it’s right here in Sacramento. Last year at QSAC I actually got to meet Scott Coatsworth, Amy Lane and Jeff Adams. 


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