Title: All That Glitters
Series: ABC’s of Spellcraft Book 1.5 (free short)
Author: Jordan Castillo Price
Genre: Paranormal
LGBTQ+ Category: MM/Gay
Publisher: JCP Books, LLC
Pages: 25
Reviewer: Gloria Lakritz, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
Yuri is coerced into meeting Dixon’s parents, but dinner can’t begin without The Lucky Spatula.
The ABCs of Spellcraft is a series filled with bad jokes and good magic, where MM Romance meets Paranormal Cozy. A perky hero, a brooding love interest, and delightfully twisty-turny stories that never end up quite where you’d expect.
The Review
So when Jordan Castillo Price met up with Jesi Lea Ryan, Clare London and Claire Bentham, she originally entered Quill Me Now in their group Valentine Holiday Collection. Never let it be said that once a world is created, and her story could evolve, Miss Price wouldn’t jump in with both feet and made it a Series….The name simply The ABC’s of Spellcraft.
Being a voracious reader, a 600 page book is my idea of sinking my teeth into, short stories are hard on me….Since this author is one of the best, I cannot in good faith skip her work! I have held squirreled them away and now I am reading and will be reviewing three more in the series All that Glitters#1.5 Trouble in Taco Town #2 and Something Stinks at the Spa#3.
This one, All that Glitters is on Prolific Works (and I had signed in and received my copy) After Yuri and Dixon meet in the original story, they are now a couple, and Jordan has taken Yuri home to meet Dixon’s family for dinner.
We learned originally Dixon has no filter and Yuri from Russia and gay is the picture of keeping his mouth shut. It’s like a Lucy and Desi romantic comedy. The pages turn too fast but the effect was perfect. I’m on to Taco Town…..
Five Stars
The Reviewer
I am Gloria Lakritz/ aka grammy, and I am the Chairperson and Senior Reviewer for the The Paranormal Romance Guild. I am a reader of all genres and I love everything written. My excitement a few years ago, in meeting a group of Small Published and Indie writers on Amazon, had put me on a course to have them form a group for the benefit of their field. Here we are today, a little over 1 yr old and 50 strong. I am proud of them, and I think that we can grow and help all who dare to dream!!!
The Paranormal Romance Guild, AKA (“PRG”), was formed by the banding together of paranormal romance genre readers and writers, through the internet, with the sole purpose of supporting and promoting authors of the paranormal romance genre through the organization’s website and special events. The Paranormal Romance Guild (PRG) was officially organized and recognized on October 31,2009. The PRG is a non-profit organization. All fees and dues collected are to sustain operations of the PRG. No assets of the corporation are to benefit the officers or members.