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Announcement: Danny, by Steven Harper Piziks


Steven Harper Piziks has a new mythological urban fantasy book out: Danny Marina’s new step-father takes him to the laser tag stadium, the movies, the go-kart track. He and his mother now have a new house and more money. Then Danny finds the cameras–in the living room, his bedroom, the shower. Which leads him to uncover the secret web site, the one devoted to him and his step-brother Eric. Danny’s Mom doesn’t believe him–doesn’t want to believe him. Faced with the unthinkable as his stepdad brings home strangers, Danny and Eric hop a bus for Florida. Frightened, and only with … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If you want, send me your book announcement info at … Read more

Media Crossovers: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

I cannot wait to let my senses feast on this series for so many reasons – the responsibility of a magician during the re-emergence, the mechanics of magic as a sacrifice, the culpability of the characters, the gritty realism… You Should Know About: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Based on the novel by Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is part fantasy series, part historical drama. Set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic wars, the show presents an alternate version of history in which magic begins to resurface in Britain (having mysteriously disappeared years beforehand) thanks largely to the … Read more

“Black Dog Blues” by Rhys Ford

Genre: Urban Fantasy Length: Novel   Kai Gracen is an elven outcast in a post-apocalyptic world, where magic exploded into the present day. There are still McDonalds and shitty politicians, but now there are elves and other fantastical creatures (including dragons). Kai gets by as a bounty hunter, going where the humans wouldn’t dare and killing ferocious beasts (including dragons). He was pretty happy too, until the dawn court started to interfere with his affairs, and he got stuck on a run with one of their snotty nobles, as well as with a human girl, who’s possibly carrying the greatest … Read more

Announcement: Mon Trois, by Michael Mandrake

Mon Trois

QSFer Michael Mandrake has a new paranormal book out: One final test for Ryland Durand… Ryland Durand has slayed his vampire father Gren’s killer, overcome his own fears of being in the public eye, and currently seeks to further his writing career by putting his work in print. Now however, he faces yet another challenge; convincing Dale Mooney and Ryder to be his eternal lovers. Ryder has been at his right hand since day one, but feels Dale Mooney is infringing on their close relationship spanning over three centuries. Ryder asks for Valios’ assistance to get Dale Mooney out of … Read more

Serious vs. Humorous Sci Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal

Pill Bugs of Time large

Today’s topic was inspired by Angel: I’d say most speculative fiction is deadly-serious – in sci fi, will this planet continue to support us? Will we get to the stars? In fantasy, will we be able to defeat the evil-warlock and save the damsel (hey, what’s the male version of damsel?) in distress? In paranormal, will the wolves or vampires win the fight for world domination? But sometimes I want something a little lighter. :) So how about you? Do you like your spec fic deadly serious, as a writer or reader? Or are you more of a Hitchhiker’s Guide … Read more

Announcement: Dragon’s Surprise, by Jenn Dease

Dragon's Surprise

MLR Press author and QSFer Jenn Dease has a new fantasy book out: Can one little green Dragon cause that much disruption on an aircraft carrier? Franklin was unaware of the disappearance of his brother and his family while performing in Russo-China, until Dane’s squad of Dragon Marines rescues one of them from the Voldai. Explosives, smuggling, kidnapping and security for a meeting of the World’s leaders. The USS Requiem’s sailors and Dragon Marine squadrons are dealing with all of this while watching out for a small, green Dragon. Dane and Franklin find themselves in a new family situation. Caring … Read more

Discussion: Selling Without a Series

James Eric series

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Theo Fenraven: “Authors write series because they sell better than standalones. Unfortunately, I rarely write a series because I don’t like getting bogged down in them. I’m always anxious to move on to the next idea and set of characters. I pay the price for that; I don’t sell much.” I love reading series, especially when it comes to Fantasy. But I don’t mind stand-alones either. What do y’all think? As an author, would you rather write a series or a stand-alone book? And as a reader, what do you prefer to read? Come join … Read more

Announcement: Discovery, QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest


Queer Sci Fi has a new speculative fiction anthology out: It’s hard to tell a story in just 300 words. But somehow we inspired more than a hundred writers to give it a try, with some amazing results collected here for your pleasure. The rules are simple enough. Write a complete story—either sci fi, fantasy, or paranormal. Make sure it has LGBT characters and/or an LGBT vibe. And do it all with just 300 words. The stories in this volume run the gamut, from platypus shifters to alien slug monsters, from carnival horror stories to haunting stories of ships with … Read more

Article: Supreme Court rules states must allow same-sex marriage

Washington (CNN)In a landmark opinion, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that states cannot ban same-sex marriage, establishing a new civil right and handing gay rights advocates a victory that until very recently would have seemed unthinkable. The 5-4 ruling had Justice Anthony Kennedy writing for the majority with the four liberal justices. Each of the four conservative justices wrote their own dissent. See the full article here