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The Business of Writing

Just starting out (again) in this whole writing thing, it occurs to me to wonder if it’s still possible, in these days of, free copies, and internet theft, is it still possible to make a living as a writer if you’re not one of the NNYT best sellers. I have more than a passing interest in this, as I would love to see my writing career take off to the point that it became a decent source of income for me. But I worry about the fact that the market has become so diluted on the one hand, with … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Hunting Bear” by Edmond Manning

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology coming out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Coming from Dreamspinner Press on August 18th – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless … Read more

What is Paranormal, Really?

OK, so we all know that “paranormal”, over the last few years, has in large part consisted of vampires and shifters, at least in the popular culture – see True Blood and Twilight. But there’s so much more to it – including witches, ghosts, zombies, hauntings, mummies, and more. We’re always looking for the next big thing… in paranormal circles in the last few years, that seems to have been stories that mix the various characters in the paranormal playbook. But what’s next? What under-explored paranormal sub genres and characters are ripe for exploration? And are you writing any of … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Golden Bear” by G.P. Keith

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology coming out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Coming from Dreamspinner Press on August 18th – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless … Read more

Fantasy and the Modern World

Some of my favorite fantasy series – Lord of the Rings, the Shannara Series, the Wheel of Time – take place all or mostly separated from current day. Although I have to acknowledge that Terry Brooks has since gone on to connect the Shannara books to his A Man of His Word series, which did bring the idea of his fantasy series into the present. It seems to me that this blending of Fantasy elements and the modern world offers a unique opportunity to explore the LGBT community’s place in society, by giving us tools to look at how we … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Bear Chasing” by Renae Kaye

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology coming out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Coming from Dreamspinner Press on August 18th – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless … Read more

Would They Really Look Like Us?

For the purposes of MM-Romance driven gay sci fi, alien characters are often built like us – otherwise, would we want to have sex with them? And to be fair, this is not just a conceit confined to MM romance. Many sci fi TV shows have constructed their aliens around human lines – most prominently star Trek – with two arms, two legs, and a head with two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears in generally the standard human configuration. Some have even come up with semi-plausible reasons for the similarities, from “it’s the only practical configuration” to … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Just Breathe” by John Genest

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology coming out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Coming from Dreamspinner Press on August 18th – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless … Read more

LGBT Paranormal Is Really Weird (And Hot)

OK, in honor of Me Me Monday over at our Facebook Discussion Group (a weekly event where authors in the group post their promos about upcoming work, new releases, etc), I’m inaugurating another first – the Cover Cavalcade. Let’s post our favorite LGBT paranormal covers on the FB page – covers that get you hot under the collar, or that are just so fricking weird that you can’t help but stare in awe. What are your favorite LGBT paranormal / supernatural covers – the good, the bad, and the beautiful-ugly? And let’s keep it in good fun – no insults, … Read more

New Release 8/11/14: My Haunted Blender’s Gay Love Affair, and Other Twisted Tales

Die Laughing. A collection of not-so-chilling tales of love and laughter from three of the genre’s masters of pulp. In The Bone Orchard, by Abigail Roux, Pinkerton investigator Ezra Johns and US Marshal Ambrose Shaw have a lot to learn about life—and the afterlife—in their quest to bring a vicious murderer to justice. Fortunately, they’ve got all the time in the world to figure it out. In City of Monsters, by Andrea Speed, an ex-investigator turned some-kind-of-shifter (he doesn’t know, but with his luck, it’s probably nothing cool) is hired to find a missing reverse tooth fairy in the hellish … Read more