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Lesbian Sci Fi Film Debuts in Durham, North Carolina

A lesbian sci fi web series has been produced as a feature film. WUNC reports: People rarely associate gay and lesbian films with the science fiction genre. But a Durham-based production company, KVWorks, created a sci-fi lesbian web series. They adapted the two-year series into full length feature film. Frequency debuts at the 2014 North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in Durham this weekend. Host Frank Stasio talks with writer and director Piper Kessler and producer Monique Velasquez about their work. It’s great to see LGBT sci fi, and lesbian sci fi in particular, getting some exposure.

My ADD Brain

OK, so I don’t officially have Attention Deficit Disorder. But I, like many writers, do have a creative brain, one that seems to love to be distracted by just about anything. Especially when I’m writing. Especially when I’m on a deadline. Like right now. I have a short story (well, almost a novella) that’s due for submission 9 days from now. And I haven’t finished the first draft yet. I think I’ll finish it to day if… Oh look, something shiny! Seriously, it’s hard sometimes to focus on the writing. Part of it is that I seem to work better … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Banyan Court” by Samuel Scott Preston

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology that just came out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. Here’s the final excerpt. :) –Scott Just from Dreamspinner Press – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless to be hot. Bears are real men with real bodies–and that doesn’t always mean a perfect six-pack or an immaculately … Read more

Ghosts, Spooks, Hauntings, and Other Mayhem From Beyond the Grave

Okay, it’s time for another foray into the paranormal. Today, I’m taking about an area that gets little press these days, what with all the shifters, vampires, and zombies that seem to be roaming the Earth these days. Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned ghost story? You know, your Amityville Horrors, your Paranormal Activities, your Poltergeists? The kind of story that, without ever showing the creepy antagonist, could raise the hairs on your arms? I still remember watching Poltergeist, and getting the thrill of my spine when the little girl put her hands on the TV screen, filled with static, … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Getting Over Yourself” by Robert B. McDiarmid

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology that just came out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Just from Dreamspinner Press – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless to … Read more

Writing in Your Own Tongue

Some very successful fantasy novels have flirted with inventing their own language or languages – among them the Lord of the Rings (JRR Tolkien was a professional philologist and Old English specialist) and George R. Martin’s Game of Thrones. But many writers just use a few choice words in their new lingua, to give their stories a bit of High Fantasy flavor. To be sure, a new language isn’t an absolute necessity in Fantasy – it really depends on the story you are telling. But it can add a bit of flair and flavor to your work, setting it apart … Read more

A Taste of Honey Bear Anthology: Excerpt From “Life’s Tiny Surprises” by Tara Spears

Editor’s Note: I’m a part of a new anthology that just came out on 8/18 from Dreamspinner Press: A Taste of Honey. And while the book is not Fantasy, Sci Fi or Paranormal per se, some of the stories in it include magical realism or present-day fantasy. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share the intros to a number of these stories in the lead-up to the book’s release. :) –Scott Just from Dreamspinner Press – A Taste of Honey – the ultimate bear romance anthology. Guys don’t have to be in their twenties, perfectly sculpted, and hairless to … Read more

What Will The Internet Become?

When I was a kid, I read lots of Golden Age sci-fi – Bradbury, Clark, Asimov – and although there were computers and sometimes even networks, nothing there approached what we have today. These fine men of sci fi’s past couldn’t have imagined the vast, interconnected network we have today, even though they did a pretty good jib with many aspects of the future. As I write near-future sci-fi, I wonder if I am similarly limited in my ability to see into the future of information tech. I find myself writing about people using keyboards and tablets and computer screens, … Read more

I’m Taking Over the Dreamspinner Facebook Page

For two hours at 3 PM Pacific (6 PM Eastern) as part of the “A Taste of Honey” bear romance anthology takeover today. My story “The Bear at the Bar” is a part of this great anthology, which is releasing today at: eBook: Paperback: If you have a few minutes in the next two hours, stop by and say hi at:

New MM Sci-Fi/Suspense Release 8/18/14: Bliss by Lisa Henry and Heidi Belleau

They’re always happy. Rory James has worked hard all his life to become a citizen of the idyllic city-state of Beulah. Like every other kid born in the neighboring country of Tophet, he’s heard the stories: No crime or pollution. A house and food for everyone. It’s perfect, and Rory is finally getting a piece of it. So is Tate Patterson. He’s from Tophet, too, but he’s not a legal immigrant; he snuck in as a thief. A city without crime seems like an easy score, until he crashes into Rory during a getaway and is arrested for assaulting a … Read more