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Announcement: Hunter’s Mark, by V.S. Morgan

QSF’s own VS Morgan has a new shifter tale out: Artist Casey Smith lives a quiet life, under the radar of his enemies, until one fateful night he loses control and the astonishing image of a wolf racing down a suburban street splashes all over social media. Hunter’s bullet never misses its target. The assassin seeks out and kills his prey with a clear conscience by following two simple rules: 1) Don’t kill innocents 2) Don’t kill shifters. Realizing his latest assignment violates those rules, the hunter activates Princess Protocol and the assassin becomes the protector. Red hot attraction flares … Read more

Announcement: Bloody English by Renee George

QSF member Renee George just released an exciting new vampire novel: Samuel King is an Amish private detective who has lived amongst the English in Independence, Missouri for sixteen years. When he is hired to find a missing accountant, Morton Clark, Samuel’s self-enforced solitary lifestyle is completely disrupted–the case unexpectedly leads him to the very sexy, very flawed Alistair Simms. Samuel is overwhelmed by his attraction to Alistair, and resisting the vampire is no simple task. Even for a chaste man. Alistair, a 154 year-old vampire and recluse with familial ties to the kidnapped Morton, has spent his undead years … Read more

Name Your Topic Day

Hey all… Every day I come up with a fresh, new, exciting topic on writing, LGBT authors, sci fi, fantasy, or paranormal. Well, usually they are fresh and exciting. But sometimes they fall flat. Hey, whatcha gonna do? But today, I thought I’d throw things open – I’d like you to tell me the topic or topics you’d like to see us discuss over the coming weeks. This is partly because I’m a really altruistic democratic guy. But hey, it’s also a short morning, so while I’ve been planning to do this for awhile, today seems perfect for it. So … Read more

Man Gets Pregnant in New Film

A new indy film, “Paternity”, looks at the possibility of a man becoming pregnant, something we’ve discussed at the QSF discussion group before: Check out this first look at the upcoming Indiegogo-funded film Paternity Leave starring Chris Salvatore and The Cove’s Charlie David that filps the whole idea of gay parenting on its head in a heartwarming and funny way. Here’s the film synopsis: Greg (Jacob York) finds out that he’s pregnant with his partner Ken’s (Charlie David) baby. Dumbstruck by the news, their relationship takes twists and turns through hardship and hilarity, while we’re left wondering if they’re going … Read more

Finding the Perfect Ending

I’m on the home stretch of my latest story, closing in on the final two scenes. I actually plotted this one out fairly carefully from the get-go – a first for me. And while I didn’t stick to the plot summary exactly, the general outlines do apply. So I have a pretty good idea of where I’m going for the ending. But the exact nature of it is still a little bit of a mystery to me. Ideally, an ending will take everything that came before and suddenly put it into focus, giving the reader that “aha” moment, or at … Read more

Where Do We Go From Here?

If you take a look at the news these last few months, it really does seem like the world is going to hell in a handbasket sometimes. Ebola. ISIS. Ukraine. Drought. Fires. And so much more. Science fiction is about taking the trends we see now and pushing them into the future. How will global warming affect our world? Our culture? Our capabilities? What would the discovery of a “warp drive” do to us? If aliens ever did make contact with us, what impact would that have on us as a society. Today, let’s play science fiction historian. Fast-forward 100 … Read more

Rocking the Haunted House

Today is paranormal day at the Queer Sci Fi blog. And with the weather starting to change and Halloween fast approaching, I thought we’d have a fun topic today. The Haunted House. This is a classic paranormal/sci-fi staple. It has appeared over and over in movies, TV shows, and literature. When I was about 12 years old, I read the Amityville Horror from cover to cover in one evening. Unfortunately, it was an evening when I was home alone, and I finished it at around one in the morning. The damn thing left me sleepless for a week. Good haunted … Read more

A Future Without Sex for Procreation?

Imagine a society, in the not too distant future, where sex is no longer the main method for reproduction. In the eyes of Stanford University law professor Hank Greely, director of the Stanford Center for Law Bioethics, that scenario will become a reality within this century. At his “End of Sex” event Wednesday, Greely compared the future of conception to the society in the science fiction movie “GATTACA.” Greely, often referred to as the godfather of the field between human genetics and biological sciences, foresees that the majority of births in developed countries will feature in-vitro fertilization and whole genome … Read more

Ruin Release Party September 21st

Our very own Alex Jones is set to release the fourth book in the Knights of Amaranth series: Ruin is coming! Join me 9/21 to celebrate Book IV in the Knights of Amaranth series. Giveaways include free copies of Ruin and the rest of the Knights of Amaranth books, along with a $5 Amazon gift card. So exciting! There’s a release party too – details here. Congrats, Alex!

Jupiter Ascending Trailer

OK, so it’s not actually gay, but who doesn’t want to see Channing Tatum in pretty much anything? Non-disclaimer disclaimer – no one has asked us to post this or paid us to do so. I just really wanna see this film: From the makers of The Matrix trilogy comes another futuristic science fiction film – Jupiter Ascending. Jupiter Ascending has Channing Tatum (Caine) and Mila Kunis (Jupiter Jones) as its lead stars. The film will follow the life of Jupiter Jones, an ordinary cleaning lady who always dream of the stars. She is always wondering what is in store … Read more