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Announcement: The Haunted Maze, by Theo Fenraven

OK, it’s not actually paranormal, but it DOES have a haunted house theme. And it’s from our own Theo Fenraven: Still in his twenties, Percy Callendar is one of the richest men in the world. In an attempt to find the future love of his life—and because he likes to have fun—he builds the ultimate haunted house and assembles a select group of men to go through it. Sage Donovan, owner of a fledgling IT company, is the seventh applicant to receive an invitation. He figures completing the maze—something no one has done yet—will guarantee fame and maybe fortune, and … Read more

Music in Sci Fi

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: “Music and musicians in SF/F and the best and worst uses of music in a story.” Hmmm… I’m thinking about my own extensive reading in mainstream sci fi, and my not-so-extensive reading in LGBT sci fi. For me, in mainstream my favorite would have to be Anne McCaffrey’s “Crysta; Singer” series – I loved how the main character, Killishandra, used her voicde to tune the crystals, and how the harmonics during a storm could drive you crazy. She also taught me what perfect pitch was. In MM, I really liked Angel Martinez’s Vasilly … Read more

How the Universe Will End

All of a sudden a tiny little bubble will appear. It can appear anywhere—under your chair, or somewhere in Andromeda, very far away—and this little tiny thing starts growing at a speed that’s pretty close to the speed of light. And as it expands, all things that it engulfs turn into an alien form of matter. It may be approaching us right now. Say it nucleated at Andromeda some millions of years ago, it may be expanding toward us at the speed of light. But we don’t get much of a warning. So the good thing about it is you … Read more

Announcement: The Circus of the Damned, by Cornelia Grey

Cornelia Grey has a new book out from Riptide Publishing: Magician Gilbert Blake has spent his entire life conning drunkards in the seediest pubs in the darkest towns, careful to hide the true depths of his power. But when he spends a little too much time in Shadowsea and the infamous slumlord Count Reuben gets wind of his abilities, hiding within the Circus of the Damned may be Gilbert’s only chance at survival. But there’s more to the Circus than meets the eye. Every time a performer dies, a new one must take his place, or the entire circus suffers … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If you want, send me your book announcement info at … Read more

Book Review: Sarge, by Bey Deckard

Sometimes it’s just about being in the right place at the right time… with the right person. Sarge is the short story of a burgeoning D/s relationship between two space marines stationed on an alien planet where an endless war drags on. Sergeant Wilkes is a hard man with a long, celebrated military career. Brawny, tattooed, and utterly submissive, Murphy is just an interesting diversion… until Sarge realises he has found something truly rare. “You’re a good boy, Murph,” he says softly to me.”You get me home, get me patched up, and you’ll see what good boys get.” That was … Read more

Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics

GAYSAR Comics is a company that has created a line of gay heroes with the purpose to not only entertain the public, but also raise awareness and to fight for gay rights. The first comic book entitled “The Cure” will be released on November 7th and will have a cost of $4.99 a copy. While they will only be publishing their first issue, GAYSAR Comics has already created a wide variety of gay heroes. See the Full Story at Seasons of Pride

Letting Go of Your Work

I just finished the third (and final) draft of my latest work – a 24k novella that mixes Faery elements with post-global warming San Francisco. It was fun to write – as I’ve mentioned before, it’s the first time I’ve sat down and plotted out – from start to finish – an entire work. And then (pretty much) followed my outline. But now I’m at the end. As I look it over, I’m fairly satisfied. But then I think… is the language ok? Do I need to research the mythology a little more? Is the dialogue good? All these little … Read more

Announcement: Two Guys Walk Into an Apocalypse 3, by VL Locey

There’s a new paranormal MM book out from V.L. Locey at Torquere Press: Paul and Gordon aren’t your typical zombie hunters. They’re a loving couple of educators who might be infected by the virus that is turning the world’s population into mindless, undead eating machines. So why haven’t they turned? Well, Gordon has a theory about that. He suspects that those who march under the rainbow flag just might be carrying the cure for the plague in their bloodstream. Zendra, the massive pharmaceutical company where the mutated virus was made, certainly seems to be in a hurry to round up … Read more

Book Review: With a Kiss, by Kim Dare

When Liam Bates volunteered to visit lonely patients at his local hospital, he expected them to be able to talk back when he chatted to them. But, when he’s assigned to visit a comatose man, he soon finds himself spilling out his whole life story in an effort to fill the silence. It’s not long before the peace and comfort he finds in the man’s hospital room becomes Liam’s refuge from an increasingly hostile world. Vampire Marcus Corrigan has been trapped inside his paralysed body for over three years, unable to communicate with anyone. The chatty young man who visits … Read more