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Announcement: Inheritance, by Lissa Kasey

Inheritance, by Lyssa Kasey

QSFer Lissa kasey has a new paranormal / fantasy book out: Seiran Rou’s life is complicated—he’s the only male in the world allowed to take magic classes in a female-dominant society, his vampire boyfriend, Gabe, is hinting that he wants more, and his mother is demanding a grandchild. But when a co-worker turns up dead on his doorstep, Seiran realizes his problems are only beginning. With the police dogging his steps, a stalker-like bartender watching his every move, and a magic groupie following him around, Seiran is finding it hard to hide his power—a power that if revealed could get … Read more

Superluminal Travel

Star Trek Warp Speed

Today’s topic comes from QSFer John Bellagio: “According to Einstein’s theories, superluminal travel is not possible. Do you agree? What implications would this have for society and our future if there’s no easy “escape valve”?” It’s an interesting question – the bulk of our far-future sci fi stories posit some sort of Faster-Than-Light travel. It allows multi-solar system societies and governments to form and function, and also allows for the creation of Empires in space – see the Foundation series for an early example of this. But what if it was only possible to get around from star to star … Read more

Announcement: The Stolen Mate, by Cree Storm

The Stolen Mate, by Cree Storm

QSFer Cree Storm has another book out in the “Mystic” series: A meteor attack has changed the world as we know it. Most of the people that survived now have special powers. However, as with all people, some are good and some are evil. There is a group of men that were brought together by the World Council called MYSTIC. MYSTIC is a group of men with multiple powers known as celestials. They are only brought in to deal with Nefariouses. These are men with powers used for their own evil, twisted purpose. Bram is the Director of MYSTIC. From … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If you want, send me your book announcement info at … Read more

Announcement: The Caphenon, by Fletcher DeLancey

The Caphenon, by Fletcher DeLancey

QSFer Fletcher DeLancey has a new sci fi book coming out in two weeks: On a summer night like any other, an emergency call sounds in the quarters of Andira Tal, Lancer of Alsea. The news is shocking: not only is there other intelligent life in the universe, but it’s landing on the planet right now. Tal leads the first responding team and ends up rescuing aliens who have a frightening story to tell. They protected Alsea from a terrible fate–but the reprieve is only temporary. Captain Ekayta Serrado of the Fleet ship Caphenon serves the Protectorate, a confederation of … Read more

Self Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

Printing Press

Today’s topic was suggested by Hank T. Cannon. So you’ve got a manuscript. You’ve put the finishing touches on it – maybe you’ve done a couple edits, or maybe it’s your magnum opus and you have been writing it and rewriting it for a decade. Either way, you are finally ready for the general public to see your work. What do you do next? There are a few routes available to you to get to the finish line. The traditional one is to either find an agent, or submit the work yourself to publishers, and to hope that one of … Read more

Announcement: Ghost’s Dilemma, by Morwen Navarre

Ghpst's Dilemma - Morwen Navarre

Torquere’s Morwen Navarre has a new fantasy book out: “Moon shine on me, Ghost. When you look at me like this, how can I even think of anything but making love to you?” Ghost is content to spend all his free time in bed with Gerry. But scandal and hate surrounding Ghost’s appointment as the first male witch and a deadly epidemic force Ghost to make choices that might cost him Gerry’s love. Spurred on by a message from his mentor, Ghost embarks alone on a journey through mystical underground tunnels and lost civilizations to the frozen lands of his … Read more

Non Consensual Sex in Sci Fi / Fantasy

No Means No

OK, we haven’t had a hot button topic in awhile – we try to limit them to about one a month, because they often do stir emotions. So a four ground rules: –Please be civil –This is not a discussion about sex with minors – we are talking about adults here –Please be civil –Please be civil So here it goes – do depictions of MM non-consensual sex have a place in sci fi and fantasy? If so, have you used it, and why (writers) and have you read it, and did it forward the story (readers)? If not, why? … Read more

Announcement: The Parliament of Twilight, Episode 1, by Dani Hermit and Nevi Star

Parliament of Twilight paperback

QSFers Dani Hermit and Nevi Star have just released their book The Parliament of Twilight, Episode 1 in paperback for the first time: What do a TV ghost hunter, a fading Broadway icon, a CEO and his son, a bored assassin, and a whole host of other delightfully damaged and deranged characters have in common? The Parliament of Twilight binds them all from the shadows. The men of this deliciously Yaoi-inspired world fall in and out of love nearly as much as they fall in and out of danger. Steered from the shadows by the mysterious Parliament of Twilight, they … Read more

Mainstream Books With LGBT Protagonists

The Lord Won't Mind

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Theo Fenraven – “‘The Lord Won’t Mind’ by Gordon Merrick became a NYT bestseller. Think we’ll ever see that again? With so many people writing books with gay main characters, we should already have seen it. Why haven’t we? Why hasn’t one of our books gone ‘mainstream’ and hit the top ten?” So I’m going to unpack Theo’s questions here a bit. It seems to me there are two main issues here. The first one is writing LGBT characters into mainstream fiction – and for the purposes of this discussion, I’m going to define mainstream … Read more