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Announcement: Time Waits, by C.B. Lewis

Time Waits

QSFer C.B. Lewis has a new sci fi/time travel book out: Badly wounded and on the run from his WWII Hungarian brigade, Janos Nagy stumbles through a temporal gateway to the future. Suddenly stranded in Manchester, England, 2041, Janos wants answers about a crazy world he doesn’t recognize. Dieter Schmidt, flamboyant historian/linguist for the Temporal Research Institution has those answers, but the TRI is a neutral entity, set up to verify historical events under a strict code of noninterference. That doesn’t stop Dieter from taking Janos under his protection. Trust doesn’t come easy to Janos, who came from a time … Read more

Angel’s Bits: You Own a Yacht, Right?

And other myths harmful to the new author… I was having a discussion with a friend yesterday about a friend of hers who would like to be published. Oh, yes? says I. Cool. What does he write? Turns out said friend writes LGBT Fantasy and was interested in learning about finding a publisher vs. self publishing. And here’s where the tearing of hair and sprinkling of ashes begins. Now, to be fair, Mr. Friend of Friend is new to this game. We were all new at one point, and many of us were led astray by bad information. Many of … Read more

“Family of Lies: Sebastian” by Sam Argent

Genre: MM Fantasy Romance Length: Novel Sebastian Orwell is the son of a washed-up wizard, but when he saves the crown prince, Turren, from an assassination attempt, he unravels a plot that will change everything. Turren isn’t the only one the assassins were after, and Sebastian has to defend the lives and secrets of his entire family, and fight to keep his own secrets safe from exposure. Plots, twisted in plots, twisted in plots. Needless to say, the plot of Family of Lies was fantastic. The entire Orwell family was loaded with secrets, and Argent leaked them out to us … Read more

Announcement: The Bastard’s Pearl, by Connie Bailey

Bastard's Pearl

DSP author Connie Bailey has a new fantasy book out: When Sheyn, a headstrong young aristocrat, disobeys his parents and travels to the far east, he passes through Kandaar, an isolated country of strange customs. He is abducted, transformed by a mysterious ritual, and sold to a barbarian king as a pleasure slave. When the king is killed by Kashyan the Bastard, dispossessed prince of Clan Savaan, Sheyn becomes Kashyan’s possession. The Bastard expects Sheyn—now called Pearl—to behave as an obedient pleasure slave, but compliance is not in Sheyn’s nature. Nor does Sheyn’s ordeal stop at being held captive by … Read more

Designer Babies

spock baby

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Aidee Ladnier: “We’ve all heard the scare tactics of politicians warning of the dangers of designer babies, but genetically modified humans are literally due to be born in the next decade. Medical science has made our lives longer and healthier. “But what if scientists modify those things that make us fundamentally who we are? Why is it okay to make sure a child is not born with a genetic disease that will kill them prematurely (like cystic fibrosis) but not okay to give an child a higher IQ which would give it a better chance … Read more

Bring Me Your Covers!

Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction contest

I’m afraid it may have gotten lost at the bottom of our flash fiction contest announcement, but we are also doing a cover contest for the resulting eBook! Please forward this to any cover designer friends you may have! Cover Contest With the planned eBook this year, we’re also adding a new twist – a contest to create the perfect cover for the book. Cover designers, we’d love to see your work – we’re looking for speculative fiction covers that embrace the theme of discovery. Here are the ground rules: The cover must somehow embrace the theme of “discovery”. The … Read more

Announcement: Short Fuse, by Brent D. Seth

Short Fuse

QSFer Brent D. Seth has a new sci fi book out: The galaxy teeters on the brink of war. Two great Empires have marshaled their forces; they stand poised, waiting for the right opportunity to strike first. The only thing in their way is a grocery clerk, a cop, and a small house cat… Overweight and over-the-hill, Jason Miller was on the road to nowhere. With a minimum wage job and only hiss cat, Leo, for companionship, bad goes to worse when Jason rear-ends a police car containing one very angry cop. Car totaled and about to receive a ticket … Read more

Writing LGBT Characters

Queer as Folk

Today’s topic comes from QSFer John Allenson – “How to write gay/trans/bi/gender-queer/male/female experience better.” I’ll redirect this one a bit. We all write characters that are like us in various ways, but inevitably we also have to write characters who are different. Sometimes it’s the little things – where they live, how they talk, their personal style – and sometimes it’s the bigger ones, like gender or sexual orientation. So my question for you today, and it’s a simple one – how do you research a character who is unlike you, especially in gender or orientation, so you get the … Read more

The Midweek Mingle: Crossing Cultures

One of the biggest things in SF/F literature is cross-genre works. Almost every time I go to a convention, or run through a site on speculative fiction writing and whatnot, there’s at least something about mixing other genres into your speculative fiction. It’s a time-honored tradition, dating back to the pulp magazines with things like weird westerns (Billy the Kid vs Dracula, anyone?). Normally when I write this column, I’m talking to the SF/F community about how to bring in more QUILTBAG+ members. This applies there, but what I’m talking about in this article applies in reverse, as well. Now, … Read more

The Subversive Queer: Romance, Bromance, Incest and More in 1960’s TV Sci Fi

Lost in Space

Is it just me, or is there a pervasive queer subtext to much of the sci fi fare produced for television during the 1960’s? I submit for your consideration four series which I believe exhibit strong evidence to support this idea. 1. Lost in Space 2. Flipper 3. Land of the Giants 4. Jonny Quest Let us start with perhaps the most outré example: Lost in Space. Can anyone argue that the character of Dr. Smith was not a typical over-the-top queen? And there seems to be a subtle sub-text in the portrayal of his relationship to young Will Robinson: … Read more