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New Release: The Precipice of Understanding – C.J.Dragon

The Precipice of Understanding - C.J.Dragon

QSFer CJ Dragon has a new MM book out, Daranii Alliance book 2: The Precipice of Understanding.

Reunited with his husband, Talin, Jon spends a few blissful days reconnecting with him.

Their reunion is short lived as there is trouble on the border of Daranii space that must be investigated without delay.

An old enemy is waiting, and has already struck against the heart of Daran.

The loss that ensues wreaks havoc, calling long held beliefs into question, and putting Talin in jeopardy.

Can Jon help Daran change their beliefs, or will Talin be the sacrifice given for their grief?

Will the price of victory be more than their relationship can bear?

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“We must get out of bed, my heart. Our parents are already up and are attempting to concoct breakfast.”

Jon feathered another soft kiss onto his husband’s chest. “I love lying here with you, naked.” He rubbed his hard cock against Talin’s hip. “I might exit the bed faster with an incentive.”

“I was already planning on giving you moilot in the shower, Jonathan. Is that sufficient reason to follow me into the bath?”

Jon tossed the covers off, after giving his cock one last rub against his husband. “C’mon, love of my life, and blow me like there’s no tomorrow!”

Talin was fairly sure he’d never seen Jon move so fast.

Incentive indeed.

Two very satisfied males exited the master suite. Edward and Patricia declined to mention the shouts of completion heard throughout the home.

Jon and Talin, both in uniform, hurried into the kitchen. Their parents were working together, making a large breakfast. The sight only warmed Talin this time, not raising any feelings of loss. Jon, feeling him in their bond, gave him a companionable nudge, then took his hand, giving his parents a loving smile.

“I want you to know that I mean this in the most loving way, but are you both crazy? It’s only a little past dawn, and I thought we said our farewells last night. You really didn’t need to get up so early to make breakfast for us.”

Patricia waved a hand at them, intent on what she was cooking. “We woke up way early and couldn’t get back to sleep. You know, Dulan shows up before we usually get up. Now he’s got us trained to get up with the birds, or whatever animal you have here, first thing in the morning. Anyway, we decided to see you off with a good meal.” She handed a plate of bacon to Edward, who gave them both a nod.

“It’s just as your mother said. My added commentary is that we have seen little of you, Jon, for three months, if you don’t count vids,” he tilted his head towards Talin, “or you either, since you were working crazy hours while Jon was away.” He placed the bacon on the table. “Your mom is making pata pancakes, and there’s toast warming in the oven. You both grab a plate, and I’ll get the juice.”

Talin and Jon smiled and did as they were told. The pata pancakes, reminiscent of latkes, paired well with bacon, and toast filled in any leftover hunger. The parents quizzed Talin about the museums they would see that day, while Jon ate and listened, his heart full.

With only one piece of toast left, Jon leaned back from the table, patting his stomach. “That was great. I did not know pata could be used that way. Maybe we should write a Daranii-human cookbook, Mom. What do you think, Talin?”

His husband finished his juice, then smiled. “I think many on Daran would enjoy mixing human and Daranii foods into something else such as this. I would be happy to help, should you decide to do this.”

Jon gave him a pleased nod. “There you have it, Mom. Put it on the list of things we’ll do once I’m home again.” Silence fell at the mention of their departure.

The Senior cleared his throat. “We must leave soon, Jonathan, as we must take a transport up to the warship. You know how I feel about lateness.”

Jon sighed, glancing at his parents. “Yes, I do. The world will end, and the universe will succumb to a fiery blaze. Let’s clear the table. I know you packed us last night—yeah, I heard you, but decided, hey, you’re better at it than I am, so why not?” He stood, stacking the plates, as Edward picked up the empty cups. Taking everything into the kitchen with Jon’s help, Edward put the plates into the sink to soak, then rinsed the cups. Talin walked Patricia into the living room, then retrieved their bags.

Soon, they were all standing in the living room, the silence fraught. Jon looked back and forth at his mother and father, noting that they were trying hard to project a calm front.

“Okay, you two. I know this is hard. I wish we didn’t have to leave, but we do, so get over here and give me a hug to last me for a while.”

His parents converged on him, holding him tightly, as he did them. Murmuring their love, they cautioned him to be careful, and assured him of their love, both kissing him on the cheek before doing the same to Talin.

When Talin let them go, he bowed before he could stop himself. Rising, he met their eyes, giving a solemn nod. “I will bring Jonathan back home with me, my parents. Your love is a source of strength for us, as I hope ours is for you.”

Jon swallowed, feeling the upcoming loss pull at him. “We’ll call if we can. Try not to worry. Remember, we love you, and take care of each other.”

He looked over at Talin, who nodded, picking up their bags. Jon gave his parents one last look, then went out the door, Talin following behind. The door shut quietly behind them, Seelo giving them an understanding look.

Author Bio

C.J. has always been an avid reader of anything in print, enjoying all genres but drawn to science fiction and romance.

Happily introduced to the wonderful world of M/M romance, and immediately loving it. C.J. began writing M/M romances, incorporating them in her science fiction stories, and has never looked back.

She lives in North Carolina and is happily married to her wife and soulmate, who is a writer as well. C.J. is co-parent to Frankie, also known as the Prince of Darkness, who keeps a benevolent paw over all that occurs in the home.

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