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New Release: Parker’s Forbidden Mate – Blake R. Wolfe

Parker's Forbidden Mate - Blake R. Wolfe

QSFer Blake R. Wolfe has a new MM paranormal romance out, Ombra Pack Chronicles book 1: Parker’s Forbidden Mate.

Just when I thought things were looking up, my entire life falls apart, thanks to some guy. Now I’ve sworn off men forever since I can’t trust myself to pick the right one. And that’s the moment I met him, the tall, dark, and handsome man with golden eyes. But I can’t have him.My life is crumbling around my ears, and the last thing I need is to complicate it with a man in the picture.

Now if I could just get him to leave me alone…

Begrudgingly I came home for the summer to blow off some steam after another failed relationship, intent on spending the summer alone to recover. But when a storm threatens a man out on the lighthouse pier, I run to save him. The moment my hand touches his skin, I hear a single word. Mate. But he’s human, and I’m a werewolf. If I pursue him I’ll be kicked out of the pack. And if I don’t I’ll be miserable for the rest of my life.

All I know is that I can’t resist him. But can a werewolf and a human really find happiness together? I’m willing to sacrifice my place in the pack for him.

Maybe I’ll just create my own pack so we can be together.

WARNING: This spicy wolf shifter romance contains jaw-dropping twists, sizzling love scenes, a cinnamon roll alpha, and a happily ever after that will leave you speechless. It should only be read by those who like their werewolves hot and their broken boys shown the love they deserve.

Get It At Amazon


“Hey!” I called out, approaching the wide concrete platform the lighthouse was perched on. “What are you doing out here?!”

There was no response.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I muttered, heading toward him.

I cursed under my breath as a wave hit the platform, a deluge of water raining down and soaking me to the bone. My shoes squelched as I continued forward. I made a promise to myself to punch the idiot as soon as we were back on land.

Reaching out, I placed a hand on his shoulder, my fingers brushing against his neck. In an instant, my entire world stopped as electricity filled my body. My skin erupted into gooseflesh, and my heart rate doubled. Heat flushed in my cheeks as the scent of oranges swept over me once more. Even with the cold water and the rain pouring down, my cock reacted as well. At that moment, only one word filled my mind.


A streak of lightning and a crack of thunder brought me back to my senses as the man in front of me slowly turned. Even though his face was drenched in lake water, I could tell from his red eyes that he’d been crying. Even so, he was easily the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. He was lithe but muscular, blond, and had the most gorgeous blue-green eyes I’d ever seen. They were the exact color of the lake on sunny days, the same ones I spent swimming until I could barely walk back to the house.

I understood in that instant that he was meant for me and nobody else. Fate had chosen him long ago, and finally, after all this time, I’d found him. He was perfect in every way imaginable, and even without speaking, I felt the bond between us. But there was just one problem.

He was human.

My parents would never accept him, and neither would our pack. Even though nobody in my family was in pack leadership, Alpha blood still ran through my veins. As such, it came with the unspoken requirement that I find a mate and procreate to keep that line going. My mother and father had given in when I came out as gay, although it took them a few years to fully accept it. However, they saw that as an opportunity to extend pack connections to other paranormal communities. My Alpha blood made me a pawn in their game, and if they weren’t going to get pups, they wanted something else out of the deal.

They’d never accept a human mate. Ever. He had nothing to offer people like me. Maybe if he was fabulously wealthy or well-connected, he might be of some use. But judging by the fact that he was standing on a pier in the middle of a storm crying his eyes out in a button-up that had been out of fashion for nearly ten years, I assumed that was not the case.

But I didn’t care about any of that. Not right now. He was my mate, and he was hurting. My first instinct was to protect him, to hold him, and to make sure he knew he was cared for. It was easy to tell from the way he looked at me that he needed it desperately.

“Come on,” I shouted over the storm, grabbing his arm. “We need to get back to shore!”

He just stared at me, trapped in whatever trance he’d worked himself into. I took his hand, trying to pull him toward the pier where the water crashed and washed over the concrete. Lightning flashed again, the crack of thunder so close behind that I thought it had struck the lighthouse. I ducked down instinctively, but he didn’t budge.

“Let’s go! It’s too dangerous out here!”

Something tall and dark over his shoulder caught my attention. I felt my heart skip a beat as my worst fear rose up behind him. A rogue wave, the ones the Great Lakes were so well known for. They’d sunk hundreds of ships over the past couple of centuries, the wreckages of which could be found scattered across the sandy bottom, preserved in the cold water for eternity. This one was close to shore and, therefore, much smaller, but it was still easily six feet higher than the platform we were currently standing on.

Without a second thought, I rushed to my mate, throwing my arms around him and lifting him off his feet. The wave was going to take us whether we liked it or not, but I didn’t want to get swept against the rocks. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I ran to the edge of the platform, timing my jump perfectly with the rush of water that swept over the concrete and crashed into the lighthouse.

In a flash, the world was nothing but cold and darkness. I tumbled through the surf, flipped over and over until the man was pulled from my grasp. Even with my eyes open, I could barely see anything among the bubbles and debris kicked up by the waves. A moment later, my head burst through the surface, a deep gasp filling my lungs with precious air. I turned in a circle, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

Without a second thought, I dove back below to waves to search for him. I couldn’t… no… I would not lose my mate.

Author Bio

Blake Wolfe has adored werewolves and monsters since he was a child growing up in a small rural town. Now he lives near the shores of Lake Michigan with his two partners and two cats that need to be fed every three seconds. He spends most of his time hiking through the nearby forest, thinking up the next great love story for his readers.

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