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New Release: Only Human – Audrey Wilson

Only Human - Audrey Wilson

QSFer Audrey Wilson has a new sapphic sci-fi mystery romance out (bi, lesbian): Only Human.

Have you ever had a crush? 

Have you ever had a crush so astronomically huge you were willing to tell the person anything to make them fall in love with you?

If you’re Annalise Dresden, then the answer is yes. Yes you have. And you’re in way over your head. 

Before Frankie, Leece was like any other girl in her mid-twenties – a med school dropout with too much debt, a drinking problem, and no memory of her life before her nineteenth birthday. Alright, maybe she wasn’t like any other girl, but still. Her life was somewhat normal. But Frankie changed everything. Frankie, the simple girl with the first crush eyes, working at a Big Lots in Northwest Indiana after dropping out of college. Frankie, who somehow changed Leece’s whole life with a single look. 

Even though the two women couldn’t be more opposite, Leece feels a connection to Frankie unlike any she’s felt before, compelling her to tell Frankie lie after lie to try to win her over. But when Frankie suspects Leece might not be exactly who she says she is, their relationship grows rocky. Plagued by visions of her sketchy past, Leece must figure out who she really is before she loses everything she loves, including Frankie.

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If Frankie had known she was looking at the woman who would change her life, she would have looked longer. But the woman walked by Frankie’s register so fast, Frankie barely caught a glimpse. It also didn’t help that most of the woman’s face was hidden under the hood of a dark jacket. 

Frankie had been nearing the end of her dreary Saturday night shift, counting the literal minutes until close, (seventeen) when the woman sprinted past her toward the exit. At first, Frankie didn’t think much about her. Then the alarm went off, drowning out the aggressive pattering of rain on the roof and waking the entire store. Nothing even remotely interesting ever happened at the Savings & More in Carter, Indiana, so someone setting off the alarm was enough to be considered “drama.”

“Hey, stop her!” Dave half-heartedly yelled from the service desk. Frankie, who happened to be the closest employee to the exit, quickly made her way over to the woman in the dark jacket. But when the woman turned around to face her, and Frankie finally saw her up close and still, Frankie somehow forgot how to speak. 

The woman was beautiful, from what Frankie could see of her at least. All that was poking out from under her hood were her nose, lips, and a few stray strands of blonde hair, wet from the rain. It wasn’t much to go by, but Frankie knew beauty when she saw it. And when the woman lifted her head and Frankie saw her eyes for the first time, she was certain that, under different circumstances, this woman would be considered downright stunning. Their gaze didn’t hold long enough for Frankie to make out her eye color, but it was long enough to see that they were hypnotic, dark and worried. Maybe it was just Frankie’s imagination, but she felt like those eyes were trying to tell her something. Like they were asking for help.

Before Frankie could find her words, the woman threw a receipt in Frankie’s general direction and power-walked out the door into the dark sheet of rain. The drama ended there. Dave reviewed her receipt, but Frankie wasn’t sure what good it did to review a receipt when they weren’t even sure what was missing from it. The receipt showed that the woman had bought several items from the pharmacy and a few other random things, but nothing particularly stood out. Still, it was the most eventful night Savings & More had seen in a long time.

Author Bio

Audrey Wilson is an award-winning writer and screenwriter with a BA in Television Writing and Producing from Columbia College Chicago. Having written her whole life, Audrey’s passion has led her to the publication of her debut novel from Dreaming Big Publications, Wrong Girl Gone.

​While Wrong Girl Gone may be Audrey’s first novel, she’s no stranger to writing. Audrey has written over fifteen screenplays and television episodes, and has won a variety of awards for her writing, including a regional Emmy nomination. Her second novel, Only Human is scheduled to be released by Flashpoint Publications in 2023.

When she’s not glued to her laptop screen, Audrey enjoys long walks, classic films, and writing screenplays with her partner. Audrey lives in the suburbs of Chicago with family and cats, where she continues getting swept away in her writing on a nightly basis.

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