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New Release: Inarora’s Excursion – Seraph Abell

Inarora's Excursion - Seraph Abel

QSFer Seraph Abell has a new queer urban fantasy book out (ace, bi, demi, gender fluid, intersex, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans mtf): Inarora’s Excursion.

Inarora Beservera, daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of End’oria, never felt concerned by her father’s position. After all, politicians’ families were only targeted in the Corporate States of Naa’ran, right? She’s in for a rude awakening when Naa’ran Supremacists attack her and send her over 50 years into the past!

Inarora finds her great-grandpas, who send a letter to the Council of Sorcerers to ask for help. While they wait for a response, Inarora learns more about herself, including scary powers she never knew she possessed.

Meanwhile, Kaedan’s mounting frustration with the lack of help from the present day Intelligence Ward leads him to take matters into his own hands when another child goes missing-Inarora’s best friend.

Can Kaedan find Inarora and her friend before more children go missing? Or will they remain forever lost due to the Intelligence Ward’s negligence?

Warnings: mental health (panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD); murder; police; kidnapping; menstruation; mild profanity; emesis (vomiting); brief racism (called out); chronic pain and graphic descriptions of pain; ableism (also called out).

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Inarora picked up her favorite satin doll—Sally, the baby elf—from the couch and rubbed the back of it on her face. When she was uneasy, Sally was the one item that brought her the most comfort. The satin’s texture and the movement were soothing and provided a moment of pleasant feelings. But despite the self-stimulating action, she continued to worry about going to bed.

For the most part, it had been a typical evening at the Beservera household in the city of End’oria. Twelve-year-old Inarora was home with her grandfather while her father was staying late at work to deal with yet another international crisis. She helped clean up, and she spent the rest of the evening playing her favorite hyper!xation, Fantasy’s End 2, but she knew she would have to go to bed eventually.

The mere thought of going to bed made her spine tingle; all the guard hairs on her back stood on end and pu”ed out her tail. Until recently, she’d looked forward to bed; now, however, apprehension tightened her chest, and her heart raced. Going to bed meant she would have to endure more of her recent nightmares. What if, this time, the dream was scarier? Or she woke up hurt because of the dream? Or worse?

Inarora struggled to breathe. Instead of saying anything, she let her doll drop to her lap, curling her body up and pressing herself against the couch. If she pretended she was not freaking out, the feeling would go away, right? Yet, as she continued thinking about the dream, her stomach began churning like the waters of the Macamere Sea on a double full moon.

Swallowing hard, she moved on to another quest to pretend she did not have to go to bed. If she did that, perhaps she could calm herself enough to actually do so.

Some random monster attacked her character, and she spammed her attack buttons until she took it down. Once she did, she scoffed and grinned.

“Yeah! That’s what you get for attacking me, you asinine mossball!” Inarora exclaimed. “Don’t pick fights with a red sorcerer who’s ten levels higher!”

Footsteps approached from the kitchen. At first, she did not look, knowing it had to be her grandfather, Byron. He had been in the kitchen, cleaning the sink. She knew he would probably ask her to go to bed since it was bedtime.

Ah, come on…

Author Bio

Seraph Abell is an autistic and ADHD author with a passion for storytelling, drawing, and languages. They are a graduate from Old Dominion University with a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies with a minor in Japanese-almost double minored in political science as well. They live at home with their parents, their younger brother, and their three cats.

When they’re not writing and drawing, they can be found either practicing Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic, playing FFXIV, talking to their boyfriend, or looking for more books to add to their book hoard.

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