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New Release: Here Be Vampires and Hunters – A. Williams

Here Be Vampires and Hunters - A. Williams

QSFer A. Williams has a new MM paranormal romance out: Here Be Vampires and Hunters.

Jay plans to turn Lee, his apprentice, into a vampire the night that vampire hunter George shows up at their mountain cabin. During a struggle, Jay gets staked.

The furious apprentice forces George to help him locate another vampire who can give him immortality. They get a lead but the plan goes all wrong when Lee mistakes master for novice.

Will Lee ever become a vampire? Can Raven be defeated?

Previously published as Vampires (Good and Evil) and Hunters. Significantly revised. fast-paced suspense, first person POV, slow burn, angst.

Warnings: Staking and biting. Death of minor and major characters. Not the 2 main characters – they eventually have their HEA ending.

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I handed George the flashlight and opened the first coffin. A handsome platinum blond lay within. I had never seen anyone more gorgeous in my life and wondered what color his eyes were. George cleared his throat, I guess I’d been staring too long. I checked the man’s pants for a wallet and tugged it out.

According to his driver’s license his name was Dax Martin. I replaced the wallet.

Inside the next coffin was a dark-haired man apparently in his middle thirties, with no identification of any kind. He would be the master.

“Okay, we have an hour to set up. Help me move the coffin.” I knew George was strong because of the way he killed vampires. He had told me that he just shoved a stake into their heart, without the aid of a hammer. “We’ll slide it through that doorway into the other room and shut the door. As long as he can’t see him, this will work.”

After we moved the coffin, I set out the lantern style flashlights. Then George sprinkled garlic cloves around the coffin, before he withdrew his wooden cross and wooden stake. I checked my watch, grabbed the standard flashlight and hurried back toward the other room, shutting the door behind me.

Minutes later the coffin lid raised upward and I shone the light into the surprised vampire’s red eyes as he moved swiftly toward me, fangs glinting.

I shifted my gaze quickly and said, “No, no, no, not unless you want your friend staked.”

He looked around. “Where is Dax? What do you want?”

“I want immortality, that’s what. You have a half hour to change me into a vampire, or my associate will kill your companion.”

He tried to bluff. “I can’t do it that quick, I need more time.”

“No, you don’t, I know how long it takes.”

“Pity you don’t know how to tell the difference between a master and a novice,” a voice said from behind me.

I turned, whipping the flashlight around. The door to the other room was open, the coffin empty, and its occupant now stood next to George who seemed to be frozen still.

“But . . . but you had ID, he didn’t.”

“It pays to know a good forger,” said Dax. His beautiful eyes were dark blue. “I picked up Dennis hitchhiking. He had no ID. The perfect victim with no one to miss him, but instead of killing him, I decided to turn him into a vampire. His first night, he killed a resident of town and failed to dispose of the body. The police were on the scene before I could cover it up. I guess that’s how you tracked me down.”

I nodded, thinking fast. “Well, I’ll just be leaving then, this was his idea.” I pointed at George.

Dax fingered the collar on George’s neck. “For some reason, I don’t believe you.”

“Because of that? It’s just a . . . a toy.”

“A toy like that could be dangerous for children.”

“Oh yes,” I agreed. “I believe they’ve recalled it.”

“Isn’t he a little old for toys?”

“It’s mine.”

“Aren’t you a little old for toys, too?” He smiled and his smile was just as beautiful as the rest of him.

“Well, it’s a cool toy and he, uh, wanted to wear it tonight. It was . . . supposed to bring him good luck.”

“I see. And this was his plan?”

“Absolutely, I didn’t even want to come.”

“But it was you who asked Dennis for immortality, not your friend,” he observed.

Dennis, who had stayed silent, nodded.

George still remained frozen in the same spot as before.

“I’ll give you a head start,” Dax said. “You have five minutes to get as far away from here as you can, before I come after you.”

Author Bio

A. Williams writes M/M romance, mostly short reads.

Desired Quarry is a bi-awakening M/M romance crime thriller novel. Here Be Vampires and Hunters is an M/M romance suspense novel.

Apart from writing, the author also enjoys reading, watching animated movies, playing text adventure games, and listening to classic rock and new country music.

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