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New Release: Emissary Prince – C.J. Dragon

Emissary Prince - C.J. Dragon

QSFer C.J. Dragon has a new MM sci-fi romance out, The Ambassador Book 3: Emissary Prince.

You would think that trying to manage his recent trauma, a break-up and reunification with Prince Eris, and the Guardian Sebastien trying to kill him, becoming a Prince would be easy.

That would be a ‘no’.

Yes, he and Eris were now equal, which made their relationship easier. But River isn’t used to being served by others and has difficulty adjusting to what being a Prince means on Drakonis.
And there’s still Sebastien to deal with.

Another assignment turns into a confrontation with a new Guardian, and the terror facing him brings, along with Amity wishing him gone.

Will River finally be rid of Sebastien?

Can Amity accept him as their Prince?

Find out today in Emissary Prince: The Ambassador 3!

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Returning to the villa, River did not expect to see his majordomo until morning. Instead, he found him in the reception area, quietly reading a book.

“Taikos…Father…why in the name of your Gods are you still awake?” 

Taikos rose slowly, his worried expression obvious. River cursed under his breath.

“Damn, I meant to send a message to you. Please forgive me for worrying you. Everything is fine – more than fine. The King graciously met with me, and we had a very good breakfast. Then, he offered to make me a prince.” Taikos paled, then abruptly sat down again with a gasp. River came around the couch quickly, sitting next to him. 

“Father, I’m sorry. Again. I could have broken that news more gently. Apparently, he’s been concerned about Eris and me, so he decided this would fix our problems. It does, mostly, although we’ll still be working on our relationship.”

Taikos, his head bowed, took a deep breath before clasping the ambassador’s hands in his.

“You will be made a prince, my son? Not that you haven’t earned that accolade with your service to Drakonis, but still, it is rarely done.”

River smiled warmly, watching color return to his adoptive father’s face. “I didn’t know that, but it is because of my service to this planet. At least that’s how the King’s selling it. I think he wants Eris and I to be happy together. Our relationship wasn’t working because of the difference in our ranks, not to mention the Prince’s very royal attitude. We’re still working on that.” He stopped, watching his father’s expression.

“It won’t matter to us, will it? I’ll still be River, your all too human son.”

“My caran, nothing will change how I feel about you or treat you – at least in private. You are my son, my caran, beloved of myself and your mother.”

Author Bio

C.J. has always been an avid reader of anything in print, enjoying all genres but drawn to science fiction and romance.Happily introduced to the wonderful world of M/M romance, and immediately loving it. C.J. began writing M/M romances, incorporating them in her science fiction stories, and has never looked back.She lives in North Carolina and is happily married to her wife and soulmate, who is a writer as well. C.J. is co-parent to Frankie, also known as the Prince of Darkness, who keeps a benevolent paw over all that occurs in the home.For all things Dragon, make sure you like, follow, and/or subscribe!

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