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New Release: Dust Bowl Magic – Z.A. Maxfield

Dust Bowl Magic - Z.A. Maxfield

QSFer Z.A. Maxfield has a new MM fantasy book out in the Carnival of Mysteries series: Dust Bowl Magic.

A modern surgeon. A New Deal volunteer. Love that could last forever.

It’s 1935 and the dustbowl rages across the Western Plains

Dr. Lucas Hamilton’s ego takes a big hit when he finds himself in the past with no antibiotics and none of his modern tools. People are desperately ill and he’s more helpless and vulnerable than he ever imagined possible.

Luke learns humility and kindness from Dr. Sumner Delano. He even falls in love. But he can’t let go of his old life and the daughter he left behind. What will he do if he gets the chance to go back?

Can the Carnival Magic that sent Luke to the past bring him the future he desires with all his heart?

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Author Bio

I started writing in 2007 on a dare from my children and never looked back. Pathologically disorganized, and perennially optimistic, I write as much as I can, read as much as I dare, and enjoy my time with family and friends. If anyone asks me how a wife and mother of four manages to find time for a writing career, I answer, “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you give up housework.”

(You can bet the family didn’t expect that!)

Find me here: Join my Facebook group, ZAM-Nation! I’m “ZAMaxfield” and @AuthorZ.A.Maxfield on the book with Faces. OR, you can connect with me through my website,

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