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New Release: Calamity – Toshi Drake

Calamity - Toshi Drake

QSFer Toshi Drake has a new MM sci-fi book out (bi, gay), Starstation book 4: Calamity.

With the planet on the brink of erupting and his memories gone, can Commander Damon Wild find his way back home? 

Commander Damon Wild is not having a good day. Being shot down on a remote planet by the Siwu pirates and then losing his memories is enough to make a good man desperate. When his situation becomes worse—a planetary eruption—Damon knows he must do something. A small scientific outpost at the centre of a caldera offers something he had only dreamt about, hope.

Captain Zaveid L’eau offers Damon a place to recover and space to find himself once more. The attractive captain distracts him from his troubles, and it is enough. Damon can see light at the end of the tunnel and Zaveid is the one lighting the way.

With a volcano on the brink of exploding and pirates constantly nipping at his heels, Damon doesn’t have time for peace.

The pirates are breathing down their necks and a massive eruption destroying everything, Damon must learn to trust Zaveid with his heart and that no matter the circumstances, love will give them the strength to defeat all enemies, including their own self-doubt.

Calamity is the fourth book of the StarStation series, featuring amnesiac heroes, long-suffering captains, and a race against time. Because of the unique circumstances of this book, one does not need to read the previous books, but it is better to get the whole picture.

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Skedaddling back to my camp, I hurriedly packed up anything I could easily carry. They’d be watching this space for a while, waiting for me to return from whatever I was doing. I stopped at the edge of the shuttle, reluctant to enter the cockpit. It haunted me, and all I could imagine was being trapped by flames if I tried to enter it.

I paid my respects to the young woman who’d died and patted the hull of the matte spacecraft. It had kept me alive somehow, and I’d always be grateful. I left the camp in the opposite direction of the uninvited guests. Stepping into the unknown terrified me. Troublesome thoughts of giving up filled my head. The men had already searched this area. I didn’t need to go.

That first step was hard. Eventually, leaving my only connection to the other me became easier, relatively. Twilight was fast approaching, and I had to find a safe place to sleep before the evening predators woke up. I headed toward the ridgeline, where the big kaiju lived, because it had more bolt-holes where I could hide for a few days. Yes, the kaiju was a deterrent, but I wanted to use its size and fierceness. No human would dare go near it or its den. Unless they were insane.

The terrain grew slippery as I approached. I had noticed the ground was a lot more prone to sinkholes where white stone appeared. An explanation for this phenomenon remained tantalizingly out of reach. Pausing on the dry grass, I squinted at my surroundings. Steam vented from a multitude of holes, and the trees that grew on the chalky stone were painted white with minerals.

The mountain was deadly, and I smiled. If I could find a cave around here to hide from the men, then I would be okay. As long as I avoided the fragile ground and the dangerous steam.

I skirted the edge of the white outcropping, following a small creek as it came down from the range of mountains. Smoke billowed from one of the larger mountains, and that worried me. Not enough to stop moving though.

The hard granite began jutting out of the ground, and hidey-holes would be easy to locate. I only had to be patient. A small cave in this area would be perfect.

Using downed pine branches, I created a cozy space to rest. It was nice and private until I heard the heavy steps of someone stalking me. I froze completely, waiting for them to pass me by.

They didn’t. They stood outside my door and breathed heavily. Waiting for me to acknowledge them. Peering through the needles, I met the golden eyes of the fierce kaiju who had been stealing my kills. I had never been able to get a good glimpse of him as he always managed to blend into the scenery. I blinked and fell back.

The beast with its big feline-style body huffed and pawed at me, knocking over my impromptu gate. I sat exposed to the monster and stared at him with nothing blocking my view.

He was a beautiful creature with a snout of a big cat but the musculature of a bear and two large horns protruding from the front of his forehead. His eyes were big and gold. I was entranced by his appearance, and I longed to touch his shaggy coat. I imagined it would be soft and warm. One giant paw pushed a large haunch of meat my way and waited.

Leaning forward, I took the bone hock and pulled it closer. “Uhh, thank you?”

The kaiju smiled – possibly – before turning around and disappearing into the night. I didn’t know what do with the gift. If I didn’t bring it into my camp, the kaiju would likely take offense, and I’d be attacked or mauled.

As much as I didn’t want to, making a fire became a necessity. I wouldn’t be able to eat the meat raw, and the idea of roast beast was making me salivate a little bit.

Giving thanks to the Gods, I made a small fire in my little cave and enjoyed the gift from the kaiju. I might actually survive now.

Author Bio

Toshi Drake is a Canadian author who doesn’t mind snow that much.

Venturing out into the wild world of book land, Toshi plans on exploring everything that grabs their attention.

Slow burns, friends to lovers, sweet heat and fun characters. Expect the unexpected, especially the Spanish Inquisition.

A die-hard geek, there will always be some sort of pop culture moments as quotes and jokes make the world go ’round. Disney, anime, sci-fi, fantasy are all fair game. I dare you to find all the Easter eggs.

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