Hey all…
The judges have met to pick the contest winners, and Angel and I have gotten together to pick the anthology stories for this year’s Flash Fiction contest. We’re sharing the story and author names for the anthology picks today.
Here’s the reveal schedule:
6/29: Honorable Mentions
7/13: Cover Reveal
7/27: Judge’s Choices
8/8: Top Three Winners, Release Day
I’m giving you a little taste of the cover above – still tweaking it, but we’re getting there. :)
We had a great crop of stories this year – 233 in all – and winnowing it down to just 120 was a difficult task. Thanks to all who entered, and if you didn’t make it in this year, we hope to see something from you in 2021!
So, without further ado, here are the “Innovation” anthology stories in order by author last name. Congrats to all!
Moura Inovadora, by Emilia Agrafojo |
A Spell for Leila, by Richard Eric Andeen |
Burnt Crystals, by Blaine D. Arden |
The Price of Ingenuity, by Chris Bannor |
Just Perfect, by Redfern Jon Barrett |
Speak, by Brook K. Bell |
Petition, by E.D.E. Bell |
The Price of a Good Education, by Evelyn Benvie |
Abandon, by Jade Black |
It Goes Without Saying, by Sydney Blackburn |
To The Point of Invention, by Shannon Brady |
Entanglement, by Elaine Burnes |
The Bartering Bucket, by Diane Callahan |
Anthroparion, by Katelyn Cameron |
A Woman’s Work, by R. E. Carr |
Be Tommy Rule, by Steve Carr |
The Emperor’s New Helmet, by Minerva Cerridwen |
Need, by D.J. Clarke |
A New Way, by Rory Ni Coileain |
An Accident, by Stuart Conover |
Mirror, Mirror, by T.W. Cox |
The Great Body-Swap of 2222, by Koji A. Dae |
Divergence, by Andi Deacon |
Those Who Hunt Monsters, by Jana Denardo |
Cat’s Meow, by Nicole Dennis |
Ebony Heart, by Kellie Doherty |
The Serpent And The Summoner, by Matt Doyle |
Two-Mother Embryogenesis Inc. Fails to Deliver, by Allan Dyen-Shapiro |
The Jump, by Rory Eggleston |
Lucy Morgan Loves Anna Boyd, by Jonathan Fesmire |
The Solution, by Kim Fielding |
The Thing With the Bats, by Mary Francis |
Codename Matrioshka, by Stone Franks |
Connectivity, by Cassidy Frazee |
The Code on the Gravestone, by Beáta Fülöp |
Summer Construction, by Jasie Gale |
You Wish, by James Alan Gardner |
Regeneve, by J.S. Garner |
The Choice, by David Gerrold |
Rexnoid Protocols, by Chet Gottfried |
Dragonslayer, by E.M. Hamill |
Eating Out, by Kitt Harris |
Anatomical Exchange, by E. L. Harrison |
Are My High-Speed Underwater Sperm Darts Normal?, by Brenna Harvey |
Angel of Strangers, by Howard V. Hendrix |
I Want a New Drug, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman |
The Blood Witch, by Joshua Ian |
The Alchemical Arrangement, by Skip J.Hanford |
Basement Bargain, by Jeff Jacobson |
The Hope, by Susan James |
Demon Night, by Barbara Johnson-Haddad |
Bride Price, by Emma Johnson-Rivard |
Head in the Sky, by Tom Jolly |
The Warming of the Winds, by Lee Jordan |
A Little Sunshine and a Breath of Fresh Air, by M. X. Kelly |
Bound Ares, by Ava Kelly |
Abyssal Dark, by Adrik Kemp |
Touchstone to a Tsunami, by K. Kitts |
Identity, by Kevin Klehr |
Transformation, by Christopher Koehler |
E Pluribus Unum, by Barbara Krasnoff |
With Eight Little Eyes, by Mary Kuna |
A New Line of Communication, by Jamie Lackey |
The Experiment, by Benoit Lafortune |
In Life and In Death, by Ray Lidstone |
Croquembouche, by L.V. Lloyd |
Pan-dora, by Clare London |
Brain Spa, by Nathan Alling Long |
Cure for Dry Sales, by S S Long |
No Catch, by Mary E. Lowd |
Laetus, by Jet Lupin |
Lily, by K.S. Marsden |
Antlers, by KA Masters |
Luck in the Consequences, by Julian Maxwell |
An Original Use of Magic, by C.L. McCartney |
Human Sacrifice, by R.L. Merrill |
Unboxed, by Jon Miller |
Expectations Not Guaranteed, by Bob Milne |
Seersucker Ultramax, by Edie Montreux |
What He Likes, by Eloreen Moon |
Black Button, by Jennie L. Morris |
Seed, by Val Muller |
Novelty, by Kevin Andrew Murphy |
Nesting, by J. Needham |
Welcome to the World of Virtual Sex, by Raine Norman |
Therapy, by Sean Ian O’Meidhir |
Kabbalistic Yentes, LLC, by Milo Owen |
A Family in Love, by Stephen B. Pearl |
Soft Reset, by Mere Rain |
Inspiration, by D.M. Rasch |
A Dire Need, by L.S. Reinholt |
The Latest Thing, by Warren Rochelle |
Shadow’s Edge, by E. Romeis |
My Own Destiny, by Patricia Scott |
Graduation Day, by Alex Silver |
Second Impressions, by Lee Soeburn |
2.0, by Andrea Speed |
Still Human, by Chloe Spencer |
The Sceptre of Fire, by Alex Stargazer |
Cuttles and Chthonic Curry, by Ginger Streusel |
I Doesn’t Matter, Of Quartz, by Noah K. Sturdevant |
Forty-Three Minutes, by Lou Sylvre |
One More Night, by Nathaniel Taff |
Chief Innovation Officer On Board, by Naomi Tajedler |
Final Transaction at the ADM: Automated Death Machine, by William Tate |
Learning Curves, by Sara Testarossa |
The Law of Leaky Abstractions, by T. T. Thomas |
Shadow of Regret, by K.L. Townsend |
Under Pressure, by LC Treeheart |
Lonely Night on OD5, by Paul Uebler |
Appetite, by Andrew Vaillencourt |
Light, by Eric Warren |
Unalienable, by Gareth Washington |
Lost in Flames, by Rosalie Wessel |
The Fleshsmith and the Metalsmith, by Devon Widmer |
Breathless, by Stephen J. Wolf |
Collection or Extinction, by Christine Wright |
A Novel Appearance, by J. Zachary Pike |
Enchantrixx, by Shannon Yseult |
Fairy Ring, by Maria Zoccola |