Today’s topic comes from QSFer Beth Brock: “How do you write your characters? Do you talk to them? Do they come through you? Or…?”
When I write, I usually start with a story idea. Then I sit down to write it, and the character starts to form in my mind, I usually layer in details and history as I go, and over time, I end up with a three-dimensional, unique character.
I know that some other writers work differently, planning out the minuscule details of a character before ever putting a pen to paper.
Some people write the characters themselves as if they were in the character’s head. I close my eyes and try to see and feel what my character is experiencing.
Others talk to their characters in their heads, and have quite a chatter up there.
So my questions to all of our writers today – how do you build your characters? And how do you interact with them in your head?