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Graphic Novel / Web Comic Week: Day Four – Robert Iolini

Graphic Novel / Web Comic Week

Hey all,

The long-awaited second annual graphic novel week is here! Each day we’ll be interviewing a different graphic novel writer, artist or team.

SYNCANDI Comic 01 CoverRobert Iolini – Syncandi

Sync, a fatally wounded military assassin would rather die than have the state corporation which owns her body turn her into a fully synthetic immortal killer. She steals Ikkyu, a synthetic human paramedic and flees to an abandoned experimental zone codenamed Genies Res, in order to die. The last thing on Sync’s mind is love . . .

SYNCANDI is a futuristic romance adventure story told through comics, songs, videos and more! The project is coming out of Studio Syncandi, an independent publishing studio based in Kyoto Japan, which was established in 2015 by producer and creative professional, Roberto Iolini. Roberto has a background in experimental and documentary radio production, film and video art. He is also an internationally recognised composer. This is his first foray into commercial publishing.

We’re inviting some great Queer graphic novelists and web comic creators for this week.

FRI: 10/14/16:
7 AM Pacific
Roberto Iolini, Syncandi

SAT 10/15/16:
8 AM Pacific
Jaime Camille and Margot Jane, Kindred Skies

SUN 10/16/16:
8 AM Pacific
Tommy Roddy, Pride High

It’s gonna be a great week!

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