Forewarned Is Forearmed
by Jeff Baker
They’re after us.
And since I’ve found that a lot of the LGBT community don’t keep tabs on all the right-wing hate groups and I actually do, I decided to post a little information on some of the groups we should watch out for in case you or your friends or family come across a story online or otherwise from one of these groups, a story which may sound convincing and is often presented as “news.”
I have been monitoring groups like this since the early 1990s.
American Family Association
Founded by onetime segregationist Donald Wildmon, they operate a radio network and a news website (American Family News.)
One Million Moms
This one managed to pass themselves off as a ‘grassroots group” of, well, a million moms before it came out that they were a division of the American Family Association and are about as grassroots as a widget factory.
Focus on the Family
Runs a number of radio shows including “Christian” children’s programs.
Family Research Council
Very politically active, designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
One America News Network
This one’s a relative newcomer but has already been tossed off Direct TV because of the Dominion voting machine lawsuit.
Media Research Center
Supposedly a media watchdog group. See “Conwebwatch” below.
World Net Daily
Same. Again, see “Conwebwatch.”
News Busters
The official blog of the Media Research Center.
CNS News
Also a division of the Media Research Center.
USA Radio Network
Not to be confused with the old USA Network on cable TV. (Remember “Night Flight?”)
Here are some organizations that monitor and fact-check conservative organizations, including the ones above. For them, I’m providing links.
Media Matters For Americahttps://www.mediamatters.org/
(As mentioned above, Conwebwatch especially monitors Media Research Center and World Net Daily)
Right Wing Watch. https://www.rightwingwatch.org/
NOTE—Check the links on the watchers sites for other watchers, especially Conwebwatch.
As I explained above, I wrote this column after seeing a reference to one of these far-right groups as a supposed “trustworthy news source” on a newsletter at my Mom’s retirement facility. My Mom knows better than to trust these groups. Others may not be so fortunate.
Like the title says: Forewarned is Forearmed.
Jeff Baker blogs about reading or writing sci-fi, fantasy and horror and other sundry matters on or about the thirteenth of every month. His fiction has been published in “Orion’s Beau” and will be seen next in the online ‘zine “RoM/Mantic Reads. His non-fiction has appeared on the “Amazing Stories” website. He and his husband Darryl keep an eye out for undercover hate groups in all media. He regularly blogs and posts fiction on his website https://authorjeffbaker.com/and wastes time on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/