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For Bi Week – A Bisexual Primer

bisexual flag - pixabay

Do you know why there’s sometimes a plus sign after the words bi or bisexual? Do you know what “bi erasure” is?

This week is Bisexual+ Awareness Week, also known as BiWeek for short. BiWeek was co-founded by the LGBTQ media organization GLAAD and the bisexual+ advocacy group BiNet USA to help educate and build awareness about bi people.

Some of the language when it comes to the B in LGBTQ might seem a little confusing, but fear not! The folks at GLAAD have prepared a quick refresher on some common terms.


A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic, and/ or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or to those of another gender. People may experience their attractions in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. Some bi+ people are attracted to people of all genders equally. Others may have attractions that are predominantly towards one gender over others.

Full Story at LGBTQ Nation

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