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Elves and Star Cruisers


OK, so every morning, I sit down and figure out what I’m going to write about here. I try to do a bit of a round-robin – a post on sci fi, one about fantasy, and then one on paranormal… and then something about the writing process more generally.

Today is Fantasy day. And a couple things have come together for me this morning to suggest a topic. Fantasy intruding into the sci fi world.

I’m not talking about other worlds that blend a pastoral setting with a sci fi origin. I’m going a little more hard-core – I’m talking about elves in space.

The first thing that led me here today is the story I’m working on that juxtaposes San Francisco in 2065, besieged by climate change, with an elf from Faery (well, technically, two). OK, so there are no starships involved, but still, it’s clearly an elf in a sci fi setting.

The other thing that brought this up was a trailer for next year’s film Jupiter Ascending, which features the gorgeous, gay friendly Channing Tatum as a star-hopping elf. I really want to see this film, which could either be the coolest thing ever, or a horrible mess.

So my question today – do elves belong in space? How about dwarves, goblins, dragons, and other Fantasy touchstones? And have you written or read anything that falls into this sub-genre?

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