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When Carmilla Ruled the Night – Boogieman in Lavender

Jeff Baker, Boogieman in Lavender             But dreams come through stone walls, light up dark rooms, or darken light ones, and their persons make their exits and their entrances as they please, and laugh at locksmiths.                                                   ———from Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan LeFanu She prowls the night, looking for blood—and women. She sleeps in late, usually rising at one in the afternoon, but it is at night that she seeks what she truly desires. She is Carmilla, seemingly a victim of a carriage accident recovering in a neighboring castle. The residents of the castle see nothing too unusual, even as … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

Submission Call: Cherry Tree literary magazine wants poetry, short stories, and creative nonfiction

Literary magazine Cherry Tree: A National Literary Journal @ Washington College has an open submission period Aug 1 through October 1. They’re looking for original short stories, poems, and creative nonfiction that is “well-crafted ” and “not afraid to make us care.” They pay a $20 honorarium for First North American serial rights.

Read the full post on Dale Cameron Lowry’s blog for writers.

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

What Would You Do If We Found Aliens?

spaceship - pixabay

The quest to identify UFOs and even find intelligent life on other worlds has been heating up for decades … to no avail. But there are still plenty of spots and wavelengths where aliens could be hiding. So, what would humans do if we found concrete evidence that we are not alone in the universe? Turns out, there’s no real plan for how humanity would respond, let alone how we would deal with such a monumental discovery. The U.K. SETI Research Network (UKSRN) wants to change that by asking Earthlings their views on the search for aliens and how they’d … Read more

REVIEW: Single White Incubus, by E.J. Russell

Title: Single White Incubus Series: Supernatural Selection Author: E.J. Russell Genre: Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: MM/Gay Publisher: Riptide Pages: 288 Reviewer: Pat Get It On Amazon About The Book Does a bear shift in the woods? Well, partially. That was what got grizzly shifter Ted Farnsworth into trouble. He wasn’t trying to break the Secrecy Pact. He just wants people to see the real him. So he signs up with the mate-matching service Supernatural Selection—which guarantees marriage to a perfect partner. Not only will Ted never be lonely again, but once his new beaver shifter husband arrives, they’ll build Ted’s dream wilderness retreat … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: grydscaen: imperium, by Natsuya Uesugi

QSFer Natsuya Uesugi has a new book out in the grydscaen series book out: grydscaen: imperium. The mission of Faid Callen and the Packrat hackers was to rid the Echelons of the Elite government. In the penultimate climax to the grydsacen saga, Faid swore he would seek revenge for government exploitation of psychics. From posing as a high powered host to being the Emperor’s knight, he never took his eyes off the operation. Yet, will Faid’s manipulations derail Emperor Lino Dejarre’s ultimate goal of a lasting peace and the end to war? Faid takes his foot off the brakes as … Read more

SPACE: Uranus is Weird


Uranus is a weirdo — the icy giant rotates while lying on its side and it’s been called a rear end in even the highest echelons of academia (right?). Now, astronomers have found it has an oddball ring system, too. In new images of the rings around Uranus (the seventh planet from the sun has 13 known rings), researchers have been able to decipher not only the temperature, but also the bits that create the rings. The scientists found that the densest, brightest ring — called the epsilon ring — is pretty darn cold (by human standards): 77 Kelvin, which … Read more