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U=(N/T)M*G: Golem

Chinese scientists broke the boundaries of human technology yet again in early July. With precision, determination and science prowess that just boggles the mind, these scientists managed to send a photon from Earth to an orbiting satellite, using quantum teleportation. Six times. It’s a feat scientists the world over have been aiming for a long time time now. A quantum scientist friend of mine is absolutely green with envy. I applaud this monumental discovery and look forward to more. Quantum teleportation, for those who have no idea what it is, is a process by which quantum information can be transmitted … Read more

SCIENCE: Earth’s First Flower Was Bisexual

Bisexual Flower

The first flower to ever exist on earth, 140 million years ago, was bisexual. Scientists have discovered a dinosaur-age flower which was the ancestor of all flowers on earth – and it has both male and female reproductive parts. In botanical science, flowers with both pollen-producing and seed-producing capabilities are called bisexual or – rather sweetly – perfect. Researchers led by Hervé Sauquet, an associate professor at France’s University of Paris-Sud, virtually reconstructed the flower, according to Live Science. By Josh Jackman – Full Story at Pink News

U=(N/T)M*G: Print

In this day and age, a whole, huge deal is made about cloning. Dolly the Sheep, lab rats, stems cells. The list goes on. And humanity is eagerly waiting for custom, lab grown organs that are tailored with our own genes and available to the mainstream. The reality is, and what an awesome reality, we’re probably going to get better mechanical models way before we achieve cloned organic replacements. Enter, 3D printing. Stories abound of the astounding way 3D printing is starting to revolutionize prosthetics. Robert Downey Jr, himself, went and delivered a newly printed Iron Man gauntlet prosthetic to … Read more

Contraceptives Changing the Gender of Fish

fish - pixabay

Contraceptive pills and chemicals in cleaning products that are flushed down toilets and drains are turning male fish into female fish, new research has shown. According to the study, the remnants of cleaning products, chemicals and of contraceptive pills have been giving male fish female characteristics. A new study carried out by leading fish biologist, Professor Charles Tyler from the University of Exeter, has found that one in five male river fish are being affected. The study found that some male river fish are displaying a reduced sperm quality and some males are even producing eggs. The chemicals in the contraceptive pill, … Read more

Womb Transplants for Trans Women?

womb transplants

An NHS doctor has suggested that transgender women in the UK may be a decade away from accessing womb transplants. As part of ongoing research into the procedure, at least three cis-women could be given wombs through a new charity-funded program launching this year. A similar womb transplant procedure could make it possible for transgender women to get pregnant and have babies. Uterine transplants have already been successful in Sweden. At least five children have been born to womb-less women using a procedure similar to the ones NHS doctors are working towards. By Ashley Vega – Full Story at Gay … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: RA

That picture, the one of the cat lounging on a desk, set as the featured picture? That’s the God!Cat Ra, who shares my home. And I say shares because it’s common knowledge that no one really owns a cat, unlike dogs. Although I don’t think I really own the God!Dog Anubis, who also shares my home. But this furry paperweight inspired me to figure out why humans originally came to associate, and worship, and then keep cats. Now back when we migrated from place to place with wooden spears and baskets looking for food along migration paths, dogs were our … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Compress

In the grand scheme of world building, nothing is more difficult than details. How does that console work, what is that weapon made of, why does magic work that way? All the little bits an author needs to know, even if the reader doesn’t. Times like these, however, far removed from Heinlein’s guesses at what technology would even look like far in the future, we sci-fi authors kind of have a leg up from authors of old. Our tech and science jump exponentially every couple of years and new stuff is discovered almost daily. Take the newly made compressed glassy … Read more

SCIENCE: Your Brain is a Multiverse


Scientists studying the brain have discovered that the organ operates on up to 11 different dimensions, creating multiverse-like structures that are “a world we had never imagined.” By using an advanced mathematical system, researchers were able to uncover architectural structures that appears when the brain has to process information, before they disintegrate into nothing. Their findings, published in the journal Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, reveals the hugely complicated processes involved in the creation of neural structures, potentially helping explain why the brain is so difficult to understand and tying together its structure with its function. The team, led by scientists … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Boundless

Today, I feel a little like the Ancient One explaining spellwork to Doctor Strange. I love that scene. It’s the essence of today’s post, one that sprang from a very interesting article that I never expected to see. I’m, of course, talking about mind over matter. Anyone who has ever encountered quantum theory in their work knows, at least tangentially, about the Bell Test. It’s used to measure quantum particles and see if the measurement of one particle coincides with the other particle. Einstein called it the spooky theory. Recently, theoretical physicist Lucien Hardy came up with the idea to … Read more