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For Readers: Plugged In

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Richard Wood: Do you listen to music while reading? If so, do you have different songs/artists for different moods or genres? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Review: Credence


I’m a huge fan of science fiction, but it’s rare that you get a good science fiction story that features a gay man in any meaningful way. In new short film Credence, writer/director Mike Buonaiuto gives us a well-crafted story about John (Anthony Topham) and Scott (Alex Hammond) – with the destruction of Earth imminent, these two men must decide whether to send their daughter Ellie (Tia Kenny) away in order to save her. The story is set in the not-too-distant future. An asteroid has struck the moon, resulting in severe weather patterns and destruction on Earth that is likely … Read more

Could Luke Skywalker be Bisexual?

Earlier this week, Star Wars fan and Twitter user @kynoren asked Mark Hamill via Twitter if Luke is bisexual. Hamill thoughtfully replied in a Direct Message that the fan took a screenshot of and shared with us (@kynoren initially tweeted Hamill’s answer without permission, but later asked if the actor was comfortable with his response being included in coverage). Story From

Star Wars: The Bad Lip Reading Treatment

Star Wars Bad Lip Reading

The Force may be awakening, but you’ll want to return to the original three Star Wars films (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) for a Bad Lip Reading treatment starring Jack Black, Bill Hader and Maya Rudolph. There’s a lot of musical moments in these three Bad Lip Reading videos, including an Obi-Wan song, Luke Skywalker getting down to a sick beat while fighting the Empire, and Yoda giving a performance that’s a little pitchy. There’s also talk of Darth Vader’s dirty emails to Leia, Han Solo’s “loose skin” and the search for the … Read more

Poe Dameron Now a Body Pillow

Poe Dameron Body Pillows

Poe Dameron has quickly turned into the fans’ favorite character from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, reaching heights of popularity only a handful of others – including adorable droid BB-8 – can surpass. With lots of fanart dedicated to him, ranging from drawings to fanfiction, it was only a matter of time until something truly unique came along – and the internet should deliver, because someone has turned the X-Wing pilot into a body pillow. If you don’t know what a body pillow is, it’s a long, rectangular pillow, printed with an image of your favorite character, bei it from … Read more

Poe Dameron Actor: There’s No Gay Romance

Poe Dameron

Star Wars star John Boyega has seemingly crushed hopes of a gay romance in the film series. The film features a close bond between Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) and stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) – with rumours spreading that Disney are setting up a gay romance between two of the film’s main characters. Isaac added fuel to the fire by hinting at an undisclosed romance of some kind, adding: “I think it’s very subtle romance that’s happening.” “You know, you have to just look very close — you have to watch it a few times to see the little … Read more