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Deadpool + Cards Against Humanity = TLA


If you, like many others, have grappled with the difficult decision of whether to watch Deadpool or play Cards Against Humanity (CAH), your prayers have been answered. The game ‘Deadpool vs the World’ has been announced, and is described as a Cards Against Humanity-style adult party game featuring everyone’s favourite anti-hero. Entertainment Weekly reports that the game will feature 100 custom illustrations of Deadpool, and has a similar style of gameplay to Cards Against Humanity. By Patrick McCormick – Full Story at Pink News

Deadpool 2 to Have Bisexual, Polyamorous Superhero


Deadpool 2 will feature a bisexual and polyamorous superhero, it has been revealed. Shatterstar, who has appeared in Marvel comics since 1991, will star alongside Ryan Reynolds’ pansexual Deadpool in the as-yet-untitled sequel to the 2016 smash hit.  His kiss in 2009 with gay superhero Rictor was the first same-sex kiss in a mainstream Marvel comic. By Josh Jackman – Full Story at Pink News

FILM: New Trailer for Deadpool 2

New Deadpool 2 Trailer

The trailer for Deadpool 2 has finally been released. There is  a new antagonist in the shape of the time-travelling guns-blazing Cable. Secretly the child of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and the Phoenix (Jean Grey), Cable is set to be a hilarious foil for the quippy anti-hero played by Ryan Reynolds. Fitting the fourth-wall breaking of the first film, Deadpool throws some major shade at DC. ‘Why are the visual effects not done? It’s a metal arm! It’s not like we’re trying to remove a mustache!’ he says. This is in reference to the poor attempts to remove Henry Cavil’s mustache … Read more

COMICS: We Almost had a Bisexual X-Man

Gambit - X-Men

If one person had made a different decision, we could be looking at having a bisexual X-Men solo superhero film next year. It has been revealed that one mutant could have been bisexual a few years ago. Writer James Asmus, back in Gambit’s 2012 solo series, was originally going to depict the Cajun card-playing thief as bisexual. ‘It’s true that I was interested in revealing Gambit to be bisexual in our series,’ Asmus said, ‘with us first seeing him seduce a man on one of his missions, and soon thereafter meeting a member of the thieves guild Gambit previously had … Read more

Marvel’s New “Create Your Own” Feature Bans “Alternative Lifestyles” and “Social Issues”

Marvel Create Your Own

When Marvel asked writers to submit comics under their new Create Your Own feature, it almost became easier to list what you could write about, rather than what you couldn’t. In a bid to launch the new platform, which allows fans to create original comic strips using Marvel characters and stock background illustrations, users were given an exhaustive list of what they couldn’t write about in the programme. And in a long list of prohibited themes, plots and characters – including “noises related to external bodily functions”, “bare midriffs” and “double entendres” laid one dynamite point of controversy – any … Read more

An Openly Queer Loki in New Comic Book Series?

Queer Loki

Loki might be getting his own queer book. Mackenzi Lee announced on Twitter she will be writing a series of historical fiction novels that will focus on ‘popular anti-heroes.’ The first will feature Loki, known for being the adopted brother of Avenger Thor. Lee was asked on Twitter if the book was going to be queer: “Loki is a canonically pansexual and gender fluid character.” By Charlie Mathers – Full Story at Gay Star News

New Marvel Animated Film Stars Latina Queer Hero

America Chavez

Marvel is bringing some of their most diverse heroes front and center with their newest movie project. Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors is an upcoming full-length feature animated film starring a new generation of superheroes. It’s part of the company’s new multi-platform animation venture, which launches next year. It consists of digital shorts and this movie. Sana Amanat, Marvel’s director of content, told BuzzFeed the project ‘came out of a desire to be able to tell stories about characters that we think are the next great heroes’. ‘I think it’s incredibly important that we tell young women and young girls that … Read more

COMICS: New Member of The Avengers is Gay and Latino

Living Lightning

Marvel have announced that their famous Avengers team will be gaining a new member. Miguel Santos, also known as Living Lightning, will be joining the famous team in a 2018 storyline called “No Surrender,” which will run weekly from Avengers issue #675 to #690. Living Lightning first appeared in 1990, when he battled a terrorist group called the Legion of Living Lighting, gaining the power to control and turn into lightning, and his superhero name. Though he had previously dated women, it was during the Great Lakes Avengers series that he came out as gay, when he mistakenly thought their … Read more