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Shocker: Snagglepuss is Gay!


Snagglepuss is to be reinvented by DC Comics as a ‘gay, Southern, Gothic playwright’. Flinstones writer Mark Russell, who turned the old Hanna-Barbera caveman comedy into a realistic and adult form – including with an introduction to readers to the ‘gay uncle‘ theory to how LGBTI people evolved. But now the fey pink mountain lion is going to get the same treatment, and it’s going to be taking place during the McCarthy era of when America was obsessed with catching communists. ‘It was not much of a stretch at all,’ Russell told HiLoBrow. By Joe Morgan – Full Story at … Read more

COMICS: Batman a Trans Ally


January is a big month for trans fans of DC Comics, as one of the iconic brand’s writers has come out as transgender, and the latest issue of Detective Comics pulls back the cape on Batman’s support for a mysterious new character, who just happens to be trans. She is Dr. Victoria October, an unorthodox scientist in charge of a quarantined zone of Gotham City that she calls, “Monster-Town.” Of course, October isn’t the first transgender character in mainstream comic books. That honor fell to Batgirl’s roommate, Alysia Yeoh, who came out as trans to Barbara Gordon, in a tearful exchange in April 2013. But as Screen Rant told its readers, the … Read more

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Officially a Couple!

Poison Ivy Harley Quinn

DC Comics has announced a new same-sex power couple in its super/anti-hero ranks. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are officially a couple, as revealed in the Advocate. The couple previously shared a kiss in the 1940s-style Bombshell series, but have now made it official. The anti-heroes began their friendship in Batman: The Animated Series in the 90s. It has long believed that they had more than just a simple friendship. The writers of Quinn’s solo series Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner have also said that the pair are in an open relationship in their versions. By Joseph Patrick McCormick – … Read more

Supergirl Saves a Queer Girl’s Life


When young teens look at the TV and see someone that loves people like them, that’s more important than many people realize – even the creators themselves. So when Mary, a gay comic book shop worker in Indiana, met a young struggling queer girl who was a fan of the new same-sex relationship on Supergirl – it changed them both more than they could ever know. In the encounter described as ‘probably the single greatest moment’ she experienced working at the shop, Mary wrote how this young teen was considering killing herself. That was until she watched the CW show, … Read more

Out Star Colton Haynes Thankful for Arrow

Colton Haynes

As the hit show Arrow celebrates its 100th episode this week, Colton Haynes is grateful to have appeared in 54 of them. The openly gay actor was a regular on The CW show until last year so he could deal with emotional problems connected to coming out. ‘I am so thankful to have been a part of this show,’ Haynes wrote in an Instagram post on Wednesday (30 November). ‘I had no idea I was going to be in the DC world until the incredible (Greg Berlanti) called and asked if I’d come on for three episodes which then turned … Read more

Harley Quinn to Get Spinoff, Girlfriend


DC have announced Harley Quinn is getting her own Batman spin-off solo movie and also revealed the comic arc that will be adapted for the screen. Margot Robbie, last seen as the baseball-bat wielding Joker-obsessing villain in Suicide Squad, will star in the film adaptation of Gotham City Sirens. The comic book finds Harley Quinn living with Poison Ivy, as girlfriends, until they decide to kidnap Catwoman in a bid to discover Batman’s true identity. By Joe Morgan – Full Story at Gay Star News

Gotham star Robin Lord Taylor: Gay Penguin Complaints Homophobic

Robin Lord Taylo

Fans of “Gotham” who have a problem with a gay Penguin messing with canon are not going to get a sympathetic ear from the out actor who plays him. Robin Lord Taylor says he is pretty sure he has your number if that upsets you, but you are fine with things like Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle being childhood best friends. Taylor appeared at Rhode Island Comic Con this weekend where he called being upset over a gay Penguin “a bunch of horseshit.” If you have a problem with that and not the other examples of breaking canon in the … Read more

Gal Gadot: Let Me Date Halle Berry in Wonder Woman Sequel

Wonder Woman Halle Berry

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has said she fancies a piece of Halle Berry for the title character’s love interest. Gadot, who also announced today that she and her husband Yaron Versano are expecting their first child, responded after comic book writer Greg Rucka said he thought all of Wonder Woman’s relationships would be with women. According to, Gadot put Berry’s name forward as a love interest for a proposed sequel. “I saw her the other day, Halle Berry,” said Gadot on Good Night with Guy Pines. “She’s so beautiful. Wow! She’s gorgeous! So… yeah, I could do [the … Read more

Alex Comes Out as Lesbian on Supergirl

Chyler Leigh

Look! Up on the TV! It’s a straight-appearing woman who’s high femme! It’s the human closest to Kara Zor-El of Krypton! It’s… Supergirl’s lesbian sister! Yes, Alex Danvers, played by Chyler Leigh, revealed on Monday’s episode of Supergirl on the CW Network that her adopted sister Kara isn’t the only one with a secret identity. She came out in the episode, “Crossfire.” Executive producer Jeffrey Kreisberg told the Hollywood Reporter their goal is to tell Alex’s story in a “respectful, educational, entertaining and thoughtful” way, surrounded by supportive family and friends. By Dawn Ennis – Full Story at LGBTQ Nation

New Wonder Woman Trailer

Wonder Woman

The second trailer for the Wonder Woman movie has just been released and we’re getting a bigger look at what to expect from Diana Prince in her solo big-screen effort. To sum it up: Diana’s going to save the world and look fly as hell doing it. The trailer shows Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) looking at an old photo featured in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, confirming the narrative will include a modern day component with Wonder Woman looking back at World War I. By AUTHOR – Full Story at SOURCE