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How Graphic Should Speculative Fiction Be?

Today’s topic coems from QSFer Tam Ames: “Spec Fiction can often be more graphic than traditional romance. I was thinking about the Charm of Magpies and I actually put a warning in my reviews that there was some very graphic bloody scenes. It is sold as m/m (which it should be) but it’s certainly more graphic than most. How graphic do people like their sci-fi? “Do you prefer it more sanitized with the emphasis on relationships and not gore? Whatever works? Before I found m/m I read mostly crime fiction and there were some very graphic novels about serial killers … Read more

How Will Marriage Equality Change Everything?

As we approach the legalization of marriage equality on Tuesday in Florida, the third largest state in the US, I’m pulling out my crystal ball to look into the future. Mark and I have been married now for 6 years, and together for almost 23. Marriage really has changed things for us – we feel different together. People treat us differently. When I introduce him as my husband, hardly anyone seems to give it a second thought. I have spent so much energy in the last seven years pushing for LGBT rights and marriage equality. Many in the LGBT community … Read more

Why Aren’t We Writing More Non-Romance LGBT Speculative Fiction?

This is a topic near and dear to my own heart. I started writing more than forty years ago when I was a little kid – I always felt the need to write. And as I grew older and realized I was gay, I wanted to include LGBT characters in my work. At first, I was really tentative about it – back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, there were very few LGBt characters in sci fi and fantasy, and I could count on one hand the books that had major protagonists who were gay. Fast forward to now, … Read more

New Settings for Sci Fi and Fantasy

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: “Where are the tales of Santa Muerte? Of the demons that infest Google Glass? What haunts the Pacific Garbage Patch? Yuck!” Our world is full of cultures and situations ripe to be exploited in LGBT sci fi, fantasy, and even paranormal. To add to Jim’s list above: –Are supernatural forces behind Global Warming to get hot guys naked? –Is the local Farmer’s Market a modern-day portal into Faery? –Will Uber’s software become self-aware and take over the world? Let’s have a little fun today and mine the culture for some great new story … Read more

A Great Lake on Mars?

NASA has announced a major discovery by the Curiosity rover; water may have been more plentiful on the planet’s surface than previously thought. This could mean that some forms of life existed on Mars millions of years ago. In a news conference earlier this week, lead scientist John Grotzinger said that observations by the rover on its year-long trek across the Gale Crater indicate that the area was likely dotted with rivers, deltas and even a “great lake” in the distant past. Taking soil samples and detailed photos as it made its way towards Mount Sharp, the rover discovered layered … Read more

Announcement: Under a New Star, by Leo D’Entremont

Leo d’Entremont at Dreamspinner has a new sci fi story out, part of the Advent Calendar package: In the 26th Century, mankind has breached the light speed barrier and begun to colonize other planets. They’ve also learned to Design human beings, known as Morphs, for specialized colony missions. Adrian is an Aerial Morph, on his way to colonize the low-gravity planet Eridani VI with his scientist Partner, Michael. In violation of the rules of the Morph Projects, they’ve been lovers for months. Michael cares more about his work than anything, while Adrian doesn’t take anything seriously except Michael. Before they … Read more

What If All the Ice Was Gone?

Two hundred sixty feet of sea level rise. The number is breathtaking, and yet matter-of-fact: It simply describes how much oceans would rise if all of the planet’s great ice sheets — all of Greenland, all of Antarctica — were to melt entirely and fall into the oceans. Nobody thinks this will happen in our lifetimes. However, if we let global warming rip, and move into a hothouse world with enough heat trapped by atmospheric greenhouse gases, it could someday. After all, the planet has been there before — in the late Cretaceous period, some 80 million years ago, sea … Read more

Researching Sci Fi

Today’s topic comes from QSFer LV Lloyd: “That might be a good question for the blog -‘how much research do you do for a sci-fi story?’” Sci fi is unique in that we’re speculating on things yet to come, but based on what we know now. When I write a contemporary story, I can visit the place where it’s set, use a 3d mapping program, to hget a feel for it and how it hangs together, and even see photos from just about anywhere for details. There are apps and sites for transit schedules, people we know who may have … Read more

Writing Characters from Different Classes

Today’s topic comes from QSFer John Allenson: “Writing and reading Class. We all love stories where the Knight rides away with his Squire or the Prince falls for his Pauper. Or we may have somewhat more sinister tastes for Masters and Slaves. Class barriers are one of the most common tropes in romantic literature going back to the Bennett’s marrying beyond their station. How do we read and write class barriers in LGBT Speculative fiction.” Some of the great stories have explored the differences in class, often withn a stratified upper class and a plucky but less-than-educated lower class. Look … Read more