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Writing Aliens


Today’s topic comes from QSFer Michael Barnette. “Do you write aliens? How do you use them in your books? How alien are they?” There are many variations – possibly an almost infinite number – when it comes to writing aliens. In MM romance, we tend to see human-like aliens, so they can interact romantically with our human protagonists. Although certain non-human accessories (tentacles, anyone?) are not unheard of. But aliens can also take on much different forms, from the title one in the Alien or Predator movies, to much more benign but still different forms. So my questions to you … Read more

Announcement: Adverse Effects, by Alicia Nordwell

Adverse Effects

QSFer Alicia Nordwell has a new sci fi book out: Dade, human-Caeorleian hybrid and ex-military grunt, doesn’t fit in—not with humans, not with aliens, not anywhere. He’s always on the outskirts, angry, and people aren’t sure they can trust him. When he encounters a compatible tziu named Yaseke, secrets, misunderstandings, and attacks nearly prevent the two from making a connection Dade sorely needs. Even after they unite, Dade and Yaseke face challenges that two newly joined males should never have to endure. From traitorous council members, to sadistic aliens who plan to sell them as slaves, to meeting a mysterious … Read more

Other Languages in Sci Fi / Fantasy


Thought we’d go back to a fun topic for me – the use of different languages in speculative fiction. These can go from the relatively mundane – sprinkle a little celtic into your Fantasy novel, throw in a little Italian into your sci fi, or maybe a little Russian with your werewolves from the old country? Or it can be more exotic – think Star Trek’s Klingon, or Tolkien’s dialects in Middle Earth. So writers, how do you handle other languages in your sci fi, fantasy or paranormal? Whether it’s an Earth Language or Alien? Readers, do you like a … Read more

Money Money Money


Today’s topic comes from QSFer Tam Ames – “Money. Gimme Gimme. How do you deal with that in sci-fi? Did Han Solo have a Visa card? Does everyone used gold pressed latinum? I can barely get my shit together to get the right currency when I’m traveling an hour away, what if I’m going across the galaxy and have never even know this planet exists? Do we just ignore it? Barter? Curious what people have done, if anything.” With the world moving into epay systems, what will money look like in the future? What will it mean if you can’t … Read more

Announcement: Taijiku, by Elizabeth Andre


Elizabeth Andre has a new sci fi book out: Angela’s past is more than a little rocky, and that rocky path has led her to finish up her juvenile detention sentence on the Yemaya, an alien underwater ship devoted to observation and research. Part of its maintenance crew, at the bottom rung of the status ladder, Angela doesn’t see much excitement forthcoming. But that was before encountering the fearsome Taijiku or meeting her crew mate Stella, leaving Angela with a completely different problem and unable to say which is the greater challenge: giant sea monsters or falling in love. Excerpt … Read more

Writing Transgender

Transgender Flag

OK, full disclosure here. I’m not transgender. That said, I’ve always had a fascination with the many aspects of human sexuality and gender. I think it’s amazing that there are not just two genders or one “right” way to have sex or love another human being. I’ve had the privilege of meeting a number of trans folks via Facebook. I also report on LGBT rights issues via our Marriage Equality Watch blog, including trans issues, and on transgender travel issues via our Transgender Travel Club on FB for our LGBT travel site. All this is to say that I have … Read more

Oops, I Started an Intergalactic War

Intergalactic War

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Victoria Stagg Elliot: “I’ve lately been fantasizing about writing a book called, “The Grammar Wars,” that focuses on two societies at war over a disagreement over the use of the Oxford comma. What are other silly reasons that could trigger an intergalactic war and make for an interesting science fiction book?” There are enough examples in our own history of stupid incidents that have triggered conflicts, and often, when the history is finally written, the original cause has been forgotten. So my question today – What silly reasons that could trigger an intergalactic war? And … Read more

Far Side of the Moon

Far Side of the Moon

Imagery created by NASA using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data reveals what the noon looks like on the side that can’t be seen from Earth. (You have to watch a short ad first). Video at NBC news

Announcement: Pirate, by LV Lloyd


QSFer LV Lloyd has a new sci fi book out: “Undercover agent Liam Connell stared at his captor. He looked like a pirate from a holovid— black trousers, a white, puffy-sleeved shirt, and a purple sash wrapped jauntily around his waist. Wavy black hair fell to his shoulders and … Connell couldn’t believe it. He actually had gold hoops hanging from his ears. The pirate ran his forefinger lightly down Connell’s cheek and smiled. “Mmm! Mmmm! What do we have here?” Just what had Connell gotten himself into? (M/M Romantic Sci-Fi)” Excerpt The space drive died between one heartbeat and … Read more


Wingfic - X-Men

Today’s topic is from QSFer Beth Brock, and it’s a little different. :) “And then we should talk about wingfic.” Wingfic, for anyone who doesn’t know, is speculative fiction that involves characters with wings – angels demons, wing men, possibly griffins, bird shifters, and the like. It’s a broad category that can encompass sci fi, fantasy, and paranormal fiction, and obviously the whole of the LGBTQI spectrum (or QUILTBAG, if you prefer). So my questions today – do you like wingfic? Have you written any, if you’re a writer? Have you read any, if you;re a reader?