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Announcement: Lonely Shore, by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen

Lonely Shore

QSFers Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen have a new MM sci fi book out on 5/25: Zander and Felix return today in the second book in the Chaos Station series, Lonely Shore, by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen. All they can do is live day to day… Felix Ingesson has returned to his duties as the Chaos’s engineer with Zander Anatolius, his ex-boyfriend-turned-broken-super-soldier, at his side. Hope means something again. But there’s nothing Felix can do to battle the alien poison flowing through Zander’s veins, or his imminent mental decline. With each passing day, the side effects of Zander’s experimental … Read more

“Song of Oestend” By Marie Sexton

Genre: MM Fantasy Romance Length: Novel Song of Oestend takes place in an alternate reality and resembles the Old West, but with some odd technologies, ancient mysticism, and ghosts thrown in for fun. I would feel comfortable labeling it as steampunk, paranormal, or fantasy, but I labeled it as fantasy because both steampunk and paranormal fit into that genre. Aren Montrell is a social leper from the city, and to get away from it all, he travels to Oestend for a job as a bookkeeper. Of all the cities he could have chosen, I honestly have no idea why he … Read more

Announcement: Keep the Stars Running

Keep the Stars Running

QSFer Lexi Ander is in a new sci fi anthology: Space is not always filled with adventures and glory. Not everybody goes racing off to battle evil and save the galaxy. Between the rebels, pirates, royals, and spies are the everyday people who work hard just to get by and ensure everyone gets home safe. Less Than Three Press presents a collection of tales about the ordinary folks who keep the stars running. » The Prince and the Programmer by Cassandra Pierce » The Aurora Conspiracy by Lexi Ander » About a Bot by Andrea Speed » Flight Risk by … Read more

Discussion: Sexy Character Names

character names

OK, I thought we’d do another fun one today. When writing, choosing names can be one of the hardest parts – coming up with great character names that help identify your character and color him/her/them in the way you want. This is especially true with sci fi, fantasy, and paranormal, where you often want an exotic sounding name that nevertheless doesn’t cross the line into absurdity. So I have three questions for you today: As a writer, how do you choose/find names for your characters when you write? As a reader, do character names ever get in the way of … Read more

Mixing Sci Fi and Fantasy

Sci Fi Elf

Some of my favorite sci fi authors often throw in a dash of Fantasy. Look at Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books, which included dragons (albeit genetically created ones). Or many of Sheri Tepper’s books, that create a Fantasy-like setting in a post-apocalyptic world. I even wrote an “elf in the future” story that I hope to get published one of these days. When it’s done right, I LOVE mixing these two genres. But it’s not always done right. So what do you think? Do elves, dwarves and wizards have a place in Sci Fi? Or do you prefer your science fiction … Read more

Announcement: The Time Slip Girl, by Elizabeth Andre

The Time Slip Girl small

QSFer Elizabeth Andre has a new interracial lesbian time travel romance novel out: What if the woman you loved was more than a century away? Dara, a computer programmer from Chicago, is visiting London when she opens a door in an Edwardian house and slips into Edwardian England. Agnes, a beautiful London shop girl, takes in the bewildered 21st century American lesbian, but, as Dara begins to accept that she is stuck in 1908, she also begins to accept that she has feelings for Agnes that go beyond gratitude. And the longer Dara stays, the harder Agnes finds it to … Read more

What is the Dryden Experiment?

The Dryden Author and Artists Group

Hey all, I’m Joel Stottlemire, the Chief Editor of the Dryden Experiment. We are multi-media publishing company that uses a Creative Commons licensing structure. Scott asked me to write a post explaining what Creative Commons is and how we use it. Creative Commons is a book unto itself. It came out of the software community. A lot of programming is repetitive and code gets modified and copied all the time. This creates a kind of weird place in terms of rights. Whoever wrote the code in the first place legally owns it but it doesn’t make sense for every coder … Read more

Announcement: Tales of the Thasali Harem Series, by Danielle Summers and Jade Astor

Once Upon a Harem Boy

Danielle Summers and Jade Astor have a new MM fantasy/sci fi series coming out: Danielle Summers and Jade Astor have joined forces with Tulabella Ruby Press to create Tales of the Thasali Harem, a series set in one of the royal family’s harems on the planet of Oranto. — The prequel, Once Upon a Harem Boy, by Danielle Summers is available for free from most ebook retailers: Duga Rigers, a handsome 18-year old living in a feudal society, has spent his whole life hungry and struggling and dreading the day when he would have to join his father working in … Read more

Fighting Sexism and Racism

sci fi diversity infographic

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Anastasia Vitsky: “Many proponents of sci-fi point to acceptance of “difference” as why it’s a great genre. However, protagonists of sci tend to be white men. “I’m not talking about a secondary character or a walk-on, but the main character whose actions are integral to every major plot point. “What responsibility do we have, as authors and readers of queer sci-fi, to work against sexism, racism, and exclusion in the books we read and write?” This group is all about diversity – of race, of gender, of sexual orientation, and of opinion. So how can … Read more

Announcement: Time Waits, by C.B. Lewis

Time Waits

QSFer C.B. Lewis has a new sci fi/time travel book out: Badly wounded and on the run from his WWII Hungarian brigade, Janos Nagy stumbles through a temporal gateway to the future. Suddenly stranded in Manchester, England, 2041, Janos wants answers about a crazy world he doesn’t recognize. Dieter Schmidt, flamboyant historian/linguist for the Temporal Research Institution has those answers, but the TRI is a neutral entity, set up to verify historical events under a strict code of noninterference. That doesn’t stop Dieter from taking Janos under his protection. Trust doesn’t come easy to Janos, who came from a time … Read more