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Review: “Psychic Storm” by Aasheim, Andrijeski, Chase, Ellisson, Hunter, MacDonald, Mayer, Price, Ryan, Wood

Note: This bundle was mainly MF Spec Fic Romance, but I was asked to do a review because it does have one MM book in it.  I wanted to support the fact that a MM novel was included in a MF bundle.  I would like more people to read LGBTQ+ fiction, and I think that this is a great idea.  Let’s keep a watch on how this goes…  Here’s to the future!   I love psychic abilities in my speculation fiction, and this bundle had everything from dream-walkers to life-stealers to clairvoyants, and yes, a few of our protagonists can … Read more

Our New QSF Reviewer

Here at QSF, we’re slowly building up our LGBT speculative fiction writers’ and readers’ community. We started with the blog and FB page, added the FB discussions group, then our critique group and calls for submissions sections, and later our free reads sections. Last week, we welcomed the fabulous Angel Martinez as a new admin on our discussions group, and this week we welcome the equally fabulous Beth Brock as our official reviewer. Beth will be selection books to review here (speculative fiction) and on her own blog (both spec fic and other works that catch her eye). Look for … Read more

Book Review: Human Rights, by S.L. Armstrong

Another review sent to us by Boy Meets Boy: After landing in the pound after being abandoned by yet another family, Ewan is convinced he’s too old to be adopted out again. For a pet like him, the only fate left is to be put down. But when Sir Jiat–of the City Guard, no less–visits the pound, he goes straight to Ewan. Jiat prefers the more mature pets and treats Ewan better than he’s ever been treated by any previous owner. Ewan sleeps at the foot of his master’s bed, not on the floor or outside; he is given toys … Read more

What Are The Best LGBT / Sci Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal Review Sites?

Today’s question comes from QSFer Angel Martinez: “What are the best review sites for LGBTQ SFF?” We have a few sites we work with that provide reviews to us at QSF: Boy Meets Boy Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words The Novel Approach Who are some of the others that you guys know about, whether it’s a place you submit your own books to, or one you read regularly for their reviews of sci fi, fantasy and paranormal?

Book Review: The Pining of Kevin Harding, by Devon McCormack

Kevin Harding wanted an exciting life. Now, he’s a vampire and wishes he could go back to his average, boring one in the suburbs. His master is furious that he refuses to hunt, but Kevin knows it’s only a matter of time before he caves. The longer a person is a vampire, the more compliant they are to their master’s will. When Kevin decides to give the hunt a try, he’s kidnapped by vampire hunters. Rather than endure their severe torture, he agrees to help them kill his master. The hunters’ plan goes horribly awry, and they flee the scene … Read more

Book Review: Sarge, by Bey Deckard

Sometimes it’s just about being in the right place at the right time… with the right person. Sarge is the short story of a burgeoning D/s relationship between two space marines stationed on an alien planet where an endless war drags on. Sergeant Wilkes is a hard man with a long, celebrated military career. Brawny, tattooed, and utterly submissive, Murphy is just an interesting diversion… until Sarge realises he has found something truly rare. “You’re a good boy, Murph,” he says softly to me.”You get me home, get me patched up, and you’ll see what good boys get.” That was … Read more

Book Review: With a Kiss, by Kim Dare

When Liam Bates volunteered to visit lonely patients at his local hospital, he expected them to be able to talk back when he chatted to them. But, when he’s assigned to visit a comatose man, he soon finds himself spilling out his whole life story in an effort to fill the silence. It’s not long before the peace and comfort he finds in the man’s hospital room becomes Liam’s refuge from an increasingly hostile world. Vampire Marcus Corrigan has been trapped inside his paralysed body for over three years, unable to communicate with anyone. The chatty young man who visits … Read more

Review: Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders

Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders by Samuel R. Delany reviewed by J. Comer As a fan of Samuel R. Delany’s works and as a teacher who has assigned one of his memoirs to classes, I was pleased to see this novel. Readers may know of his Dhalgren, Delany’s 1973 novel, or of Stars in My Pockets Like Grains of Sand, a story which affected me deeply. As his earlier work did, this novel challenges its readers. Readers of Delany may well be familiar with pornography, and perhaps with the strange “anti-pornography” which Delany invented in works such … Read more

Book Review: Assimilation, Love & Other Oddities, by Lyn Gala

Ondry and Liam have settled into a good life, but their trading is still tied up with humans, and humans are always messy. When political changes at the human base lead Ondry to attempt a difficult trade, the pair find themselves entangled in human affairs. Liam wants to help the people he left and the worlds being torn apart. He also wants to serve Ondry with not only the pleasures of the nest but also by bringing human profits. Ondry has no hope of understanding human psychology in general, he only knows that he will hold onto his palteia with … Read more

New YA Sci Fi Novel Features Gay Character

IN THE SEA of female-centric young adult novels filling bookstores around the world, Proxy definitely stands out. Written by American author Alex London, Proxy is a sci-fi novel featuring two lead male characters — and one of them happens to be gay. The book narrates the friendship that is formed between Knox, a “patron” who gets everything he wants and his “proxy,” Syd, who takes all the consequences and punishments of his actions. “I did not want to write a ‘gay’ book, or even a book about that relationship. It was just a fact of life. I wanted to write … Read more