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“Channeling Morpheus” by Jordan Castillo Price

Genre: Urban Paranormal M/M Romance Length: Novellas   CHANNELING MORPHEUS is a series of ten novellas. It focuses on a vampire hunter, Michael, and a vampire, Wild Bill, who fight to stay together. Sometimes the forces that pull at them are other vampires and humans, and sometimes it’s their own natures. Michael’s on a revenge mission to kill every bad vampire. And despite his love, sometimes Bill sleeps with one eye open, because he knows there are no bad or good vampires, or humans really–they’re all killers–and it’s only a matter of time before naive Michael comes to the same … Read more

“The Secret King: Lethao” by Dawn Chapman

THEIR SUN is dying, and Kendro, King of the Aonise, has to evacuate his people from their planet. With merely a handful of ships and resources, the Aonise take off into space, in search of a new home. A space opera, brimful of battles, futuristic technology, and an epic plot, The Secret King: Letháo is the beginning of a beautiful saga. There are plenty of wonderful things to say about this novel, but for me, the world-building of the Anoise was the most interesting. We get tantalizing tidbits of their biology and psychology throughout the novel, and the following is … Read more

“Becoming Omega” by Wolf Specter, and “Top Dog MPREG” by Angel Knots

Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance Length: Novellas I have a guilty pleasure—mpreg. Believe me, I know the psychological implications of being interested in this sort of kink, and I’d probably agree with most of what would apply to me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love it. I’m sure everyone knows what mpreg is at this point, but for those that don’t, mpreg is male impregnation… and I can’t even say it’s fantasy, because there are actually dudes who get pregnant these days. However, in most mpreg, there’s an element of fantasy, and because it’s also a kink, there … Read more

“A Little Bit Langston” by Andrew Demcak

Genre: Gay YA Science Fiction Length: Novel   James has a pretty boring life. Sure, his mom is nuts, and also sort of interesting, but that’s par for the course for adults, who all seem a bit off. He’s in high school, but he still has problems with reading, and his best friend, Paul, seems to have a few problems as well. But people pretty much leave them alone, and all in all, he has nothing to worry about—just the average life of an average teenager. Until one day when he blacks out, and wakes up to find he’s written … Read more

“Meatworks” by Jordan Castillo Price

Genre: MM Urban Science Fiction Length: Novel THE CHARACTERIZATION of Desmond Poole in Meatworks by Jordan Castillo Price is some of the best protagonist work I’ve seen in a while. Desmond Poole is a punk, a drunk, and a dirty asshole. He’s disabled and living off the government (though not well), and his ex, Jim, is his social worker. At this point the faint of heart should probably put the book down. It’s not the rest of our problems if you thought you liked it gritty but then realized that you were a pansy. If you do stick with it, … Read more

Review: “Zenith” by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Genre: Bisexual Science Fiction Length: Novel   COMMANDER MARTIN Atkins of the Confederation Navy is grounded after an Earth orbit rescue attempt goes bad. As he’s sitting around, cooling his heels, he’s approached by a civilian entrepreneur about a secret mission to create a starship, and travel to Alpha Centauri. Who could say no to that? Certainly not a pilot and explorer like Atkins. Edward Harlen and his sister have their own reasons for joining the project, but as the days get closer to launch, everyone begins to wonder about the super siblings’ motives. The lines are drawn when people … Read more

Review: “Burning Intuition” by Makenzi Fisk

Genre: Lesbian Paranormal Mystery/Thriller Length: Novel   MINNESOTAN POLICE officer, Erin Ericsson, travels to Canada to catch a criminal that fell through US cracks. Lily is a killer who is just getting started in her killing career—she’s only a teenager. Besides her trusty knife, the same one she stole from her dead mother who died of suspicious circumstances, Lily uses fire to wreck havoc, and instill terror in her victims. No one is safe. Not Erin or Erin’s loved ones. Not her own family. Not even her friends, including the girl she meets in school, and her family. She’s a … Read more

Review: “The MCB Quarterly” by MacLeod, Sparks, Dair, Collins, Coatsworth, and Ander

Genre: LGBTQ+ Literary Magazine Length: Anthology   A GREAT anthology, and the first volume of what I expect will be a successful quarterly magazine. The magazine features short LGBTQ+ works, and within that category, the genres are limitless. In this issue there was horror, literary fiction, humor, drama, and so much more. There was even art in the form of book covers, and interviews—something for everyone. I would like to review a few of the highlights of this anthology, and Fascimilie by Mina MacLeod was one of the stories that stood out for me. Great writing and a truly haunting. … Read more

“Spirit Sanguine” by Lou Harper

Genre: MM Paranormal Length: Novel   GABE LEAVES eastern Europe to return to his old stomping grounds in Chicago USA, and to rough up some vamps, like the good slayer he is. Fortunately, before he can make too much of an ass out of himself, he stumbles upon Harvey, an understanding vegetarian vampire, who explains to Gabe that not only are his ideas of vampires old fashioned, but they’ll get him in trouble in both the human and vampire community. Gabe isn’t sure what to make of that, but he tentatively accepts Harvey’s offer of friendship, and lurks around him, … Read more